New CRTSwitchRes update


Hello folks,

Quick question, When you guys set up the resolution on Nvidia control panel . What slandered do you guys use? CVT seems to have worked for me but Iā€™m curious if other options are better.

some pics of KOF99 & phantasy star 4, colors are better in person .

Also , whenever the white color takes up the majority of the screen , a high pith sound comes from the CRT. Anyone knows whats up with that?

Thatā€™s normal. Having the screen grow slightly at the same time is also normal.

Thanks mate , Kinda annoying tho . So what slandered do you use on Nvidia control panel? is cvt differs from the other option ? Automatic doesnā€™t produce scanlines ,image becomes blurry.

I have a question about the resolution switching for PSX. Iā€™m playing Silent Hill and the resolution constantly swaps when loading the map or inventory. I did a little research and saw that this is intended behavior as those screens run at 480i while the main game runs at 240p. The issue I have is that thereā€™s a 1-sec delay every time the switch happens and my screen blacks out.

Is thereā€™s a way to prevent that or speed up the switch in this instance? Iā€™m running RA through Windows if that helps.

Big news - faster resolutions switching here too. MME4CRT SR2(Switchres) - Huge Update. Most User Issues Resolved