New sonkun crt guest advanced hd presets thread

Yep, do note that WOLED, W-OLED, WRGB and RWBG are all used interchangeably to refer to LG Display’s OLED panels which include an additional White Subpixel.


I see. Forgot there were other acronyms used, all of those are the exact tvs I’m avoiding. If the tv I posted did 4k instead of just 1080p I would hunt that tv down regardless of price. From the little research I did that seems to be the only OLED literally in existence that does standard old traditional jail bar type RGB subpixels without any white subpixels in it.

Although it’s only 1080p that S9C OLED is rare to me, wouldn’t mind trying that out simply for testing purposes.


You might like this TV:

It’s got an RGB Subpixel Layout plus MiniLED, it’s 4K and it’s really bright.

There are also models from other manufacturers which fit this bill but they’re mainly available in larger sizes.


Q90C looks like it might have potential, I’d have to do more research on it though. Didn’t think there were any recent tvs that uses traditional RBG subpixels. The next question would then be are the RGB subpixels displayed like classic jailbars or is it some new modern pattern that it’s displayed as.


All of those TVs are miniLED TVs with IPS or ADS Pro LCD Panels. They’re the same “classic jailbars”. Nothing new. You can see all of the subpixel layouts if you scroll down in the reviews.


New Version Release (09-22-2024)

Changes Made

  • Uses guest.r shader version 2024-09-21-r2.

  • Uses brand new “NTSC Sharpness” implementation (blends dithering effects while preserving more pixel details).

  • ‘NTSC Taps’ and NTSC Chroma Scaling/Bleeding settings rearranged making all games especially 3-phase games (nes, snes, master system) look overall sharper and cleaner.

  • Brand new ‘rainbow’ implementation for both ‘RF’ and ‘composite rainbow’ presets. ‘Fringing’ setting lowered and ‘artifacting’ setting raised on composite presets (less screen shaking and stronger looking rainbows).

  • ‘FSharpen’ and ‘Subtractive Sharpness’ settings rearranged on all RF and composite presets (smooths out pixel edges while still remaining clean and sharp).

  • Added ‘CRT Mask Zoom Sharpen’ setting to all Shadow Mask presets (helps saturate colors a bit and bring out more darker background pixel details in games making them look more like Slot Mask and Aperture Grille presets color wise).

  • Edit as of 9/30/2024: I set the “fringing” setting on the “composite rainbow” presets back to default. Didn’t want to make a new post just for one little thing so you can re-download the new pack under the name “09-22-2024-release 2”.

  • Edit 2 as of 10/11/2024: Changed 4k Shadow Mask “crt mask zoom” from 1.00 to 2.00. You can grab the pack with that change under “release 3”.

Couple of composite screenies:

Download this update in the first post.

This update brings me one step closer to achieving one of the cleanest sharpest looking composite images I can produce which has been a goal of mines since I started making presets. I hope you all enjoy the new changes.


Hey sonkun, I am trying to use your shader on my Android phone (S24 Ultra)… Is it normal that the colors are so different with or without shader? I’m not talking about the CRT effects (which are all very nice), I’m talking about the colors themselves that seem washed out and totally different compared to the “native” image without shader (for example, the blue seems more like a light blue and so on…). Am I doing something wrong?

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If it looks washed out then you’re definitely not seeing the right image. In fact I’ve gone out of my way to saturate the colors up on purpose this time around. Have you updated to the very latest guest.r shader manually? For my latest update you cannot simply just update slang shaders from within RetroArch, you have to manually install guest.r’s latest shader release as I’ve taken advantage of new features and settings that can only be found in his latest offering.

Also you’re using Android, have you learned how to change the shaders folder directory so that you can assess it?

Yes of course, I configured everything perfectly.

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Strange. Mind showing me a screenshot of what you’re seeing? Also to be sure which guest.r update did you install?

Sure, I mean like this, colors are different…


Which game is that? Also colors on my presets most likely won’t be 1 for 1 with the raw image, I’ve played around with and raised a bunch of color tint and brightness/glow settings.

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The game is “California games” on the Atari Lynx, but that was just an example, I noticed different colors in most games I tried.


For handhelds like the Lynx I actually wouldn’t recommend using my presets on most of those at all except maybe the DS, most of those handheld cores blows the image up and make my presets look a bit different indeed. For handhelds I typically use the “retro-tiles” shader in the handheld folder.


Colors you see on your PC without color altering shaders applied are “wrong” out of the box, because they miss the component how regular crt tv’s represented them.

@sonkun’s shader pack includes many variations regarding color temperatures and other alterations added by the grade shader. The point is that vanilla colors don’t represent a strong comparison argument.


I’ve always felt this way about the “raw” game image on any modern display. You just confirmed why I do now.


Now that my latest pack is out I can take a small break from tweaking and do a little gaming. My latest favorite thing is playing all these Mega Drive home brew games, most of them look amazing. Might have went a little overboard with the images but what the hell why not:

Still waiting on Earthion to be released.

All these games makes me want to make a HyperSpin collection wheel like I’ve done for my Sonic Hacks collection:

For those who don’t know what HyperSpin is it’s basically another front end to use for all your games. I personally think it’s the best front end to pair up with RetroArch.


Man, I’m so glad I’m a PC gamer with a 4K monitor. You and RC are just knocking it out of the park. You with modern twist take to it and his with his realism off his own CRT/Console combo


Thank you man I really appreciate it. Both me and RC, two different styles, both sexy lol. On a more serious note though I’m glad I’m able to contribute something to not just RetroArch but the retro gaming scene in general with these presets for those that like them.

Been using Shadow Mask for pretty much everything lately even the classic anime shows:

Just something about that mask I really like.


Off on another gaming adventure since I’m taking a break from tweaking. This time it’s a import shoot em up called Eliminate Down:

I was trying to document my progress without using save states, wanted to beat it the old fashioned way but I died right on that last pic. This game is balls to the wall hard lol, dying at any time after the first stage is pretty much a suicide mission once you start over without any of the power up weapons. If you want to test your patience and reflexes this is the game.