New sonkun crt guest advanced hd presets thread

Are those images from v3? I just recently put up a v4 version hoping to smooth the rf/composite presets out a bit more. It’s true that I’m aiming for a sharper look, trying to balance and hit that sweet spot right between the two. That Mario shot from the rf preset? If so I believe those artifacts always been there, probably not as noticeable in the old release because everything was more “blurred” together.

I don’t notice a difference with rf after I changed the “fsharpen” setting from 5 down to .50. At 5 the artifacts are still there but bringing it down to .50 seems to make the artifacts expand out more making it more noticeable:

They are from v4, I saw your update before posting. All the pictures are shadow-mask/normal/composite-rainbow-artifacts. Here’s how SMB looked to me in the pack from 11-06-2024.

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Ok had to go back and take some comparison shots. Also I discarded that 11-06 release and went back to the 10-29 one, forgot the reason why tho.

But anywho here’s composite from 10-29:

Composite from this current release:

And here’s me applying back the old glow settings from 10-29 to the new release:

Do you think that’s a better look?

Also rf in the old release looked just as garbage, artifacts not as pronounced but was still there:

Old version:

Current version:

Edit: Ah you said rainbow. Yeah I see it now.

Hmm, I’ll have to see what’s causing that. Might be what’s also causing the rf issue.

Edit 2: Just like I figured, it was that ntsc Fsharpen setting. When I put it back to 5.00 the way I previously had it it goes away:

Now that I found the culprit I guess I can just revert that setting and put up a new release, gonna do that for both composites RF too. Does everything else look ok/better to you?

Edit 3: New v5 version up with sharpness fix.

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I never noticed that there was a rainbow mode in the super cool pack thanks for your work

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You’re welcome and thank you I appreciate it, it looks even cooler with your overlay, good stuff there. I decided to retweak sharpness settings on a whim wasn’t really planned out or anything but the idea started when I started messing around with those upscaler shaders again. Not sure if people will like the change or prefer the previous look, guess time will tell.


New Version Release (2024-12-20-r1)

Changes Made

  • Uses guest.r shader version 2024-12-05-r1.

  • Uses the brand new setting “NTSC Preserve ‘Edge’ Colors” setting on composite and composite rainbow presets (Composite colors look more vibrant and pixel edges look more “full”. You must download the latest guest.r shader for this setting to take effect, link and guide for manual installation in first post).

This is another small update but this one new setting has changed the game for the ntsc adapter shader forever. It’s now possible to get one of the cleanest looking composite images to date, composite has never looked better.

Here’s my previous composite preset:

Here’s how it looks now with the new setting:

Take a look at the character sprites to see the difference. Previously it was never possible to get the ntsc adapter shader to look this way before without breaking the blended dithering effect.

More composite screenies:

Download link in the first post.

@guest.r I can’t thank you enough for making my wish a reality. Your shader will forever be legendary for changing the way I and many others retro game.

Edit: Tweaked the Fine Glow/Magic Glow Sampling setting on S-Video and RGB presets from 5 to 3, helps to soften the image up just a little. You can grab the new pack with that change under “v2” in the same spot as always.

Edit 2: This pack now works with guest.r’s newer update (2024-12-20-r1) which further improves upon the new “edge colors” setting that has been implemented so please be sure to grab that update as my pack works directly with it.


So, the V2 is much better than the original one?

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It’s pretty much the same. I just decided to use the same glow settings that I applied to the composite presets to keep everything looking uniformed. The way I had the glow settings on RGB on the first release made the overall image look a bit too sharp. The “glow sampling” setting was set to 5, I set it to 3 which helps “smooths” the image out just a tiny bit more, that’s pretty much all what “v2” is. I guess you can say it’s better that way.

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Hey there, son. I’ve been putting off reporting this, as it’s been addressed previously, but what the hell. As you can tell from the images below, I too am suffering from the gray cast on black backgrounds. Per your recommendation, I’ve made sure the ‘dynamic range’ setting in NVCP is set to full. This hasn’t had any effect whatsoever - is there any way to troubleshoot and get to the bottom of this?

For some reason, it doesn’t look quite as bad here as it does live in-game. Still, I hope it comes across.


Try this and tell me if it makes a difference:

That setting that I have highlighted, default that to 0 and tell me if that makes a difference, it can be found near the bottom in the shader parameters. If that works I then have a question for you afterwards, are you playing on a TV or pc monitor? Time to do some information gathering on this.

Setting ‘Base (black) Mask strength’ to 0 removed the cast completely. I’m on a PC monitor.

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Your answer was exactly what I expected. To further confirm my thoughts I would like if a user that plays on a TV has this same issue. I don’t think I confirmed this in the past but I believe users that came to me with this issue were all on pc monitors.

I tweaked all of these settings on a standard TV, a lcd screen at that. The blacks on my TV is so dark that even with that setting placed the way it is it’s barely noticeable at all unless I start putting my face close to the tv, for me that setting actually enhances the image.

So this issue seems to be specifically pc monitor based, I could be wrong because I would need more users that also strictly play on pc monitors to come in this thread and say they have the have your same issue and fixed it by defaulting that setting.

I guess for now what I can do to hopefully help anyone regardless of display with your similar issue is to put up a disclaimer on my main post to either turn that setting down or off completely. Settings that may look right to me on my display may look insane on another user’s display, hopefully this fix will serve good for others. I’m also glad the picture now looks better for you as well.

I’m on a natural high right now excited about this latest guest.r shader update having too much fun testing out different games and I want other people that use my presets to be enjoying themselves as well so thank you for pointing this out.


Got more for ya.

While playing around, I noticed something new entirely. While Landstalker is a game I commonly use to try out shaders, I never once came across anything like this before. Notice the windows of the church. This is using the 1440p, flat, slot mask J Normal Composite preset.

That can’t be right. Looks like an overly-aggressive de-dithering algorithm to me.

Edit Sorry, uploaded the wrong screenshots. Fixed.

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Had to step out for a bit so can’t really go look at it first hand but here’s my first question after applying the brand new guest.r update, is there a difference if you turn that new “edge colors” setting off? If not then does it also look that way by loading up the vanilla “guest-advanced-ntsc” shader as well? Those are the first two things I would try.

The artifacting remained despite trying both options. On the absolute latest version of guest.

Connections (RF, composite) and TVs which, for example, would dissolve Sonic waterfall, would also blend bars like in the church windows situation. There was/is no advanced pattern handling AFAIK.

Today quite complex algorithms try to blend dithering etc. and there are still false positives or something doesn’t get blended by subjective perception.

My versions of ntsc-adaptive honor the original algorithm’s blending, with major enhancements.

There is always the next level in pattern blending, in this specific case maybe mdapt, sgenpt-mix or checkerboard dedither as pre-shaders. But then the whole preset needs to be re-tweaked etc.


I feel silly now. I didn’t even consider something so obvious. You’re quite correct - the effect only occurs using composite!


I think I got something for real this time. I’ve noticed this happening for a couple of cores, but I’ll focus on Kronos for now. Using your presets, not guest.r itself, games display red garbage artifacting - this seems related to mask settings as the artifacting changes depending on aperture/slot/shadow presets. The ‘Sega Luma Fix’ option is also affected. I may try experimenting some more.

Edit Indeed, loads of settings affect the garbage output, such as ‘SMS Blue Lift’, phosphor & signal types etc.

Edit 2 There you go. Turning ‘LUT 1’ OFF fixes it, turning ‘LUT 2’ ON makes it way worse… and blue.

w. Sega Luma Fix:

w.o. Sega Luma Fix:


I missed a whole conversation while I was away huh lol. So let’s see here, you’re mentioning LUT’s and the Sega Luma Fix setting, all of those settings above “LUT” in the parameters are not guest advanced settings at all, those are from the “grade” shader which Dogway is the author of, I just combined it with guest.r’s shader for my own wacky lab experiments.

Not sure how much I can help in that area, the last biggest issue concerning grade shader settings were that all Linux users were experimencing a “black screen but can still hear audio” all due to the “contrast” setting in grade. I have since disabled that setting for a few months now. I then read at one time that Xbox series users were experiencing weird colors no matter the preset, not sure if that issue has been resolved but I don’t see those kind of posts anymore.

Basically I’m trying to say I think the grade shader affects different systems/operating systems in different ways so I really can’t explain why you’re seeing those issues with those specific settings. I know I never touch that LUT 2 settings because it messes up my colors and I don’t use the Sega Luma Fix because my presets are more “universal” that can be applied to any console. That setting is strictly for Sega machines, can’t have that pre enabled when it’s time to throw on a nes, snes game etc.

You probably will get better answers from Dogway himself but he’s hardly ever around these days, I tried learning as much as I could from him when he was around a few months ago but then he dissapeared again.

Edit: Actually I’m curious about this. Your issue doesn’t happen on my end but I want to know why it’s happening to you so let’s try this first. @DukeSkinny can you go into the parameters and try setting all 4 of those “Black” setting back to 0:

Let’s see if that makes a difference first. I forgot exactly why I even tweaked those settings myself, I was just trying out different things so I want to see if disabling those will possibly fix your issue. If not we’ll try something else.


Didn’t make a difference, unfortunately.

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