New sonkun crt guest advanced hd presets thread

I can’t wait to put my hand to your work then, with ScaleFX in the middle your work would become the absolute point of reference for me. No one cares like you to provide all these options such as color types by region or the emulation of the video output type used. One last question, a curiosity of mine: wouldn’t it be better for 1080p to use a Mask Width value of 2 or 1? Thanks for your time.

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I’ve been reading thorugh the link towards the other thread to try to understand a little better. I’ve tried re-organzing the information to look like this, which leaves some holes I was hoping to sort of fill out. (I tend to go overboard with this kind of thing lol so I got pretty exhaustive with the list)

Two Phase:

3DO Interactive Multiplayer = Two
Atari 5200 = Two
Atari 7800 = Two
Atari Jaguar/CD = Two
NEC TurboGrafx-16/CD = Two
NEC SuperGrafx = Two
Nintendo 64/DD = Two
Philips CD-i = Two
Sega Genesis/CD/32X = Two
Sega Saturn = Two
SNK Neo Geo CD = Two
Sony PlayStation = Two

Three Phase:

Atari 2600 = Three
Nintendo Entertainment System = Three
Nintendo Super Entertainment System = Three
Sega Master System = Three


Amstrad GX4000 = 
ColecoVision = 
Commodore CDTV = 
Commodore Amgia CD32 = 
Fairchild Channel F = 
Magnavox Odyssey 2 = 
Mattel Intellivision = 
Nintendo Gamecube = 
Nintendo Wii = 
Sega SG-1000 = 
Sega Dreamcast = 
SNK Neo Geo AES = 
Sony PlayStation 2 = 

You mentioned here, and in the other post, you were loading up the guest and/or adaptive shader to identify which one was being determined (2 or 3) but I’m not fully understanding. Once it has been loaded, where are you looking to determine the answer?

I’m sure most of these will be 2, based on your previous findings but… that one part of me just has to know haha. Then of course I can fill this out and report back.


Oops I should’ve explained how I was doing it in the previous post. It’s easy I just go into the parameters and look for where it gives you the choices to choose the phase you want. The first choice is on auto which is what I use to determine the phase it’s using for the system I’m on, second choice is 2phase and 3rd choice is 3phase.

So if you wanna know which one it’s using on “auto” simply move over to 2phase or 3phase to see which one “auto” is using then match it up.

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It’s all good. But yeah that’s why I consider scalefx to be the best upscaling shader out of all the choices, it covers both 2d and 3d and just looks better to me.

Yeah this next release should be a good one, I like how my presets are looking now, might even ask hunterk to finally add my presets somewhere in the repository so that it can officially become apart of the RetroArch shaders family. Thank you I tried to give a variety of options to keep things fresh for everyone. And I believe 2 width is the option I use for 1080p, can’t recall ever using 1.

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Unfortunately I’m away from home, but I always carry beautiful things with me, and therefore I also have your shaders on my smartphone (and they’re great here too). This shot is taken from your 1080p preset, the JAP Cool RGB, and as you can see the value is 3. Wouldn’t it be advisable to use 2 or even 1 at 1080p? Unless I’m mistaken. Thank you

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It would be great to have your package already included in RetroArch !!! Good idea

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Ah I must’ve been thinking of the wrong setting. Yes it’s always 3 I use for that, never used 2 before actually so I don’t even know how that setting looks.

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I’m sorry but I can’t find the source, but I had read on the Guest forum that the value 2 was ideal for 1080p. For next Christmas I hope I can treat myself to a 4k gaming monitor for a glorious experience :smiley:

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For the proper slotmask effect it’s width should match the used normal mask width. Like 2 for masks 0 and 5, 3 for masks 6 and 9, 4 for mask 10…


I won’t hit one tonight. Thanks for the clarification and for your patience. I learned a new thing. Now I swear I won’t write anymore, thanks for your work and I look forward to the new Sonkun package. Thank you

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Alright, so this is what I was able to get for these other systems. I could not get anything for Dreamcast and above though, like I cannot see the difference there between phases.

Two Phase:

3DO Interactive Multiplayer = Two
Amstrad GX4000 = Two
Atari 5200 = Two
Atari 7800 = Two
Atari Jaguar/CD = Two
Commodore CDTV = Two
Commodore Amgia CD32 = Two
Fairchild Channel F = Two 
Magnavox Odyssey 2 = Two
Mattel Intellivision = Two
NEC TurboGrafx-16/CD = Two
NEC SuperGrafx = Two
Nintendo 64/DD = Two
Philips CD-i = Two
Sega Genesis/CD/32X = Two
Sega Saturn = Two
SNK Neo Geo AES = Two
SNK Neo Geo CD = Two
Sony PlayStation = Two

Three Phase:

Atari 2600 = Three
ColecoVision = Three
Nintendo Entertainment System = Three
Nintendo Super Entertainment System = Three
Sega SG-1000 = Three
Sega Master System = Three


Nintendo Gamecube = 
Nintendo Wii = 
Sega Dreamcast = 
Sony PlayStation 2 = 

I’m falling asleep as I type this though lol so I’mma leve it at this for now, but I’d love to fill out these last few as well. (And any others that maybe I missed?)


Lovely list. I’ll use this information to update my first post when I put up my next update, thank you for taking the time to put this together. Dreamcast is also 2-phase as well, I checked that earlier before I stepped out. I don’t know what ps2, gamecube and wii is but I assume it’s also 2-phase.

Only thing left is to finish putting this new pack together, get it zipped up and shipped out. Coming real soon.


No problem. I live for this kind of thing lol the curiosity drives me insane. Can’t wait to see the update. <3


New Version Release (02/17/2023)

Changes Made

  • Uses guests latest version (2023-02-16-r1) shader update.

  • Tweaked magic glow a bit, images now look more bright, colorful and vivid.

  • Introducing new “scalefx presets”, this has been requested a few times and now I’m finally delivering. Every preset from RF to RGB has had the scalefx shader added to it to give that smooth upscaled look. I’ve also now created two folders, one for the original pure pixel presets you’ve always been getting and one for the scalefx presets.

scalefx rgb sample pics:

This update is more an extension to my last post as I’ve wanted to include scalefx presets then but scrapped it at the last minute.

As always you can grab the latest update in the first post. Hope you all enjoy.


Sonkun Thank you !!! Today is practically Christmas and you are Santa Claus. You made me happy like a child, your ScaleFX presets are AMAZING. Now the community has a light shader package (in terms of performance they are great even on my Mini PC), which allow you to play with classic or improved graphics (Thanks to the ScaleFX presets), which allow you to choose the type of signal and the type of phosphor adapting to each emulative solution. We basically have it all! Many thanks to you, to Guest for his shader and to the creator of ScaleFX (unfortunately I don’t know who he is)


I hope and deserve to be included by default in the RetroArch shader package, and I hope the RetroCrisis YouTube channel makes a new how-to video about this update for everyone to use and enjoy your work. Thanks again, by now your shaders are at my absolute top among my emulation options


You’re welcome. I knew you would like the addition of the scalefx presets and thank you for confirming that my presets work on a mini pc, I plan on getting one of those new ones to do my retro gaming on in the future. I still haven’t decided yet to ask hunterk to add my presets to the repository yet, in fact I’m already thinking of where I should take things next. First thing that comes to mind is adding in different mask types like aperture grille and shadow mask. I love the mask that @Cyber is using in this post. I might give that mask the sonkun treatment at some point.


Your idea is wonderful, having various types of masks would be a tasty addition. But you have already reached the top, and going back to the performance issue, I tell you that they also run wonderfully on my smartphone. Your presets can go anywhere, and that’s no small feat. Thanks again and keep it up, now I’m a huge fan of yours.

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Furthermore, going back to your idea of ​​using various types of masks, it would also allow us to cover the world of PCs (Amiga, DOS, Windows 98) by emulating the characteristics of the monitors of the time (although I think your RGB presets can easily do it too ).

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I appreciate the kind words, you must really love my presets lol. Thank you, yeah this release should hold over for a bit, I think I can chill out and do more gaming and less tweaking for a little while. I’m glad my presets aren’t too resource heavy so that they can work with most people’s set ups.

You’re right in that other masks could help in covering other ground (pcs) that could benefit from them. That definitely gives me some motivation, I’ll see when I’m ready to start tweaking again.

By the way everyone please go re download the link again if you grabbed it already, I did a quick tweak adjusting black levels for both the svideo and rgb presets. The blacks were too high in brightness since I increased the “gamma correct” setting on both of those, I went and matched the black levels on those presets to the rf/composite ones to keep everything unified.