New sonkun crt guest advanced hd presets thread

Cool I’ll check those out when I get a chance, thanks for the links.

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The use of Integer Scaling may not be the only solution. I just mentioned that because it’s what I did and I probably had it on already in those presets probably because of the artifacts I have noticed in SNES games using smaller viewport sizes. So you might be able to eliminate or reduce them using Non-Integer scale as well.

I use a 4K screen and I’m judging based on the screenshots you posted in your release using my phone.

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What’s the reason for not using integer scaling? It’s quite possible to maintain a 4:3 ratio or whatever while using integer scaling, if that’s what’s holding you back.

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I like to get the full 4:3 aspect ratio. I know that within the guest shader there’s that integer scaling setting but I simply don’t like cropped images or images where some of the image is cut off. I dealt with enough of that in the 90’s on real crts. The moire and “runt” scanlines as cyber calls it isn’t a deal breaker to me, haven’t seen anyone that’s downloaded my presets come in complaining about it so it’s not a big deal. It’s part of the non integer scaling territory and I accept it.

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Ah ok. In any case I swapped out a quick update using the right settings for shadow mask on 4k at least, I’m sure when guest replies he’ll give me the right number to use for 1440p displays like he did for 1080p.

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Those “different” looking scanlines appear even when using Integer Scaling. It seems as though this particular artifact is unique to Shadow Masks but I can understand that you’re not too bothered by them.

There is no 1 “right” setting. It all depends on what you’re trying to achieve as well as your particular scaling settings as well as resolution.

I meant right as in making sure the rgb phosphors follow the same pattern as in this pic:


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Hey I just setup a old crt computer monitor the other day. Am I able to edit the shaders so that they are in at 1024 x 768? Amazing work btw.

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Hello and welcome to the forum. Your resolution falls in the 720p category I believe, I’m not even sure if the guest shader works properly in resolutions below 1080p, I can’t confirm that information though, maybe the creator of this shader @guest.r can give you a better answer. Thank you for the kind words, my latest update brought things up to the next level.


You are basically limited to 2 pixel wide masks or no mask at all on such displays, otherwise you have a very coarse and low TVL look. That can be ok for a small display too though. Also, these low resolutions are worse when it comes to non-integer scaling.


hey, just wanted to thank you for sharing your wonderful presets! guest’s shaders are fantastic but very complex, so I’m happy to have someone else fiddle and fine tune the settings to get a nice alternative to the default, especially with things like glow and sharpness which I find difficult to tune in just right. your presets give me a good starting point to make further adjustments to my liking.

it’s funny that your new update contains both aperture mask variants and flat screen variants as this those were both the two biggest changes to your presets I made myself this past week! looking forward to trying yours out.

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Thanks for the info I have tried the 1080p shaders but the scanlines are too big for the 1024 x 768 resolution. I have looked around online and found something on reddit saying set my resolution to 240p but I don’t want to do that because I want to use my monitor as a 2nd monitor for pc use. I think it would be a nice simple solution for people with real crt computer monitors to have these shaders to work properly at 1024 x 768.

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@sonkun I’m having a couple issues I’m wondering if you might be able to help me fix. on my 4k OLED tv on all of your presets (or all that I tested) these color bars clip on the higher end. the photo is pretty accurate to what I see in this regard irl. also, on the white row, F looks noticeably dimmer than E. Neither of these problems manifest with shaders off/different shader/guest defaults. if you have any ideas, I’d love to hear. thank you!

edit: another finding is that if I set mask to -1 the problem with the white bar goes away. However, if I alter the default guest settings to have the same mask settings the issue does not show up. So the problem doesn’t seem to be the mask itself but the mask in interaction with something else.

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First I’d like to say thank you for choosing my presets to do your retro gaming with, these presets were put together by retro gamer (myself with help from others along the way) for retro gamers.

Getting down to the issue I’m not really sure what could be causing your issue, I’ve tweaked so many settings especially raising brightness/glow settings I’m surprised I was able to pull it off, could be one of those settings causing problems for you. I don’t use any kind of test suites or the like at all everything is done by eyeballing and seeing what looks right to my eyes so things might end up being clipped here and there or a little unorthodox.

At this point maybe try going down the list of settings and turn them off one by one until you find the culprit.

I’ll give it a shot and see if I can’t find what helps

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Are you using Mask Layout 1? It may not resolve your issue but it’s the only layout that will give you anything close to proper triads on a WRGB/WOLED TV.

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Yeah the fact he’s on OLED could be part of the issue itself. These presets were designed on a basic 4k display and is meant to be used on one, or 1440p or 1080p. Guess we’ll see what his update is when he replies again.

I was able to solve the clipping issue by changing the contrast to 0 and reducing some of the glow settings. The problem dim F column however I have no idea about though! once I fixed the clipping it wasn’t just the white but all of the colors where F is dimmer than E. Also, I wasn’t able to replicate this problem at all on Guest Advanced even trying to copy over Sonkun’s settings as closely as possible. Maybe something to do with the grade shader? I did notice the problem goes away if I choose one of the NTSC-J presets for some reason, but that introduces a weird purple tint to the grayscale.

I’ve been trying to use mask 12 which I think looks best and behaves just fine on Guest Advanced. Mask layout 1 isn’t any better (if I recall correctly, not at home right now) and also makes everything tinted green.


On a real (31Khz) CRT, the generally recommended solution is to just use the scanline shader called “interlacing” from the misc folder.

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Hmm this is the second or 3rd time now somehow has told me it was an issue with the grade part of the shader. I’m glad you was able to get things fixed, not so glad that it had to be at the expense of altering the settings that I intended for users to use though.

The grade shader is a color correction shader I believe, maybe it doesn’t play so nice with certain types of displays.

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