New sonkun crt guest advanced hd presets thread

i do like a lot the most recent presets, i gotta repair my controller before continuing playing, also i got back to my old 1080p, but i don’t care that much because the presets look quite good in my tv anyways

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Thank you I appreciate it. I was a little concerned that I would get complaints about switching up the crt hue setting but no one has said anything about it so far so I guess people like the new look.

Was working perfectly fine a few weeks ago, now this. I don’t remember changing anything about my configuration. What’s going on?

The infamous black screen huh? You’re using the vulkan driver? If so try switching over to the glcore driver, that seems to be the only “fix” I know of. I’ve never had this issue happen with me since I’ve started making presets years ago, not even once so it’s a strange phenomenon to me.

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I’m getting the same result on both Vulkan and glcore.

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Damn, I’m not sure what causes that. You may have to post a log and tag one of the admins in to further assist you with this issue.

New Version Release (01-20-2024)

Changes Made

  • Tweaked Magic Glow settings and lowered the base mask setting a bit.

  • Small tweak to the md-rainbow presets.

  • Still uses guest.r’s current and latest shader update version (2023-12-02-r1).

Download the new pack in the first post.

This is a small update focusing mainly on the Magic Glow settings. @guest.r I learn something new with your shader all the time. So I lowered the “magic glow cutoff” value by 1 from .03 to .02 and that opened up a whole new look. That setting alone highlights a lot of small pixel details in backgrounds/objects that previously wasn’t being displayed/looked dull before. Here’s a few examples to show what I mean.

My previous preset:

After tweaking Magic glow cuttoff:

If you look at the broken house in the background you’ll notice a lot of darker areas with lighter highlights mixed in look “smothered” or barely visible in my old preset but now can be seen clearly in the tweak. The inner door is a good example. On the old preset the lighting looks dull and washed out but on the other shot you can clearly see the areas that have bright highlights there. You can see similar results scattered all around the house as well.

Another example.

Previous preset:

Current look:

In the brownish squares surrounded by the blue squares the side that’s suppose to be bright looks washed out in the old preset but can now clearly be seen with the new look. You can see similar results on the steps as well.

It’s a subtle difference but helps the overall image imo.


While my latest pack above is making its rounds I thought I’d hit the lab once again and put together a sample pack with the new @kokoko3k “switchres” shader. For those that don’t know you can read the discussion here for more detail.

Sample pic of it in action:

Download sample pack:

Place presets directly in the “shaders” folder not “shaders_slang”.

I figured I’d also tweak the interlaced setting and switched it from 4.0 to 2.0 to get that “screen shaking” effect back to go along with the resolution switching. Please try out all your favorite ps1 and high-res games to see the effects.

Should this new feature be included as the cherry on top to the sonkun presets? I’ll let you guys decide.


The “switch-res” effect looks great! it adds to the immersion I think!

On a side note I tried the presets but, on my monitor (1080p), brightness is way overblown, I don’t think my monitor is very bright so maybe am I missing something? I do have crt-guest-advanced-2023-12-02-release1 in slangp folder.


Thanks. Yeah I was playing around with it a bit myself today, it definitely has a nice immersion effect I agree.

Is this with a particular preset or all of them? Tweaking that “magic glow cutoff” setting indeed did increase the brightness by a bit, I had to retweak the other magic glow settings as well afterwards, it was even brighter than it is now. I thought I had “matched” the brightness level the same as the previous pack, maybe I didn’t it seems.

If I were to go retweak anything I’d probably start by raising the “magic glow distribution” setting up anywhere from .30 to about .50. If not that then I’d probably try turning the “crt contrast” setting within grade down to about 30 or somewhere between there. Since I didn’t really touch anything besides magic glow settings I more than likely would just try retweaking in that area only. It might be the magic glow distribution setting.

I tried the 2 1080p presets from


and I have


in my shaders_slang folder, I didn’t replace any files from the online updater with the new ones so maybe that’s why… not sure.

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Oh you’re talking about the test presets I just put up only and not my latest release pack? Mind posting a screenshot?

My preset on the left and 1080p-sonkun-guest-advanced-rgb-koko-switchres-test.slangp on the right.

The game is Legend of hero tonma (fbneo), is one of my go to “test” to check brightness.

this one have the raw image in the middle

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Here’s a screenshot from my end

More or less looks the same I think. Looking at the shot with the raw image yours looks darker than it and mines looks brighter lol. I don’t think my presets will ever look the same brightness/color wise as any game with a raw image, I’ve tweaked so many settings that it’s almost its own “look” at this point.

From my TV it doesn’t look “overblown” to me, looks just right actually. Or maybe my eyes have stared at my presets so long that it’s use to seeing this kind of brightness now.

I use your presets normally, tried to load these after placing them in shaders folder like you said and it failed to apply shader preset

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The test presets fail to load for you?

yup (and another 20 characters to fill up the message)

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If it’s not too bright on your hand then probably it all come down to our monitor’s different brightness, I guess!

Since few days I’m in the process of updating my presets and I know that sometimes eyes can play tricks without some form of reference, that’s why after trying your presets and seeing that there was a huge gap in brightness I was a little confused!

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Try checking once more where you placed them, if you placed them in the same location as the sonkun folder it’s in the wrong location. If nothing else please post a screenshot so I can see where you have them.

Screenshot 2024-01-22 011147