New sonkun crt guest advanced hd presets thread

It’s for any console you want to use it for. I’d personally use composite for everything up to the Dreamcast/PS2/,Gamecube era, RGB for arcade and pc games, everything after that is just native wide-screen upscaled.

The S20 should be more than fast enough to handle my presets.


sdm865 should be able to run these shaders just fine. Just make sure you set the video driver to Vulkan.


Nice to see you around these parts. Welcome to the forum.


From the same crt folder go inside the “shaders” folder at the top and then look for a “guest” folder, delete that then replace it with the one from the downloaded pack that’s also in the “shaders” folder and that’s it, you’re done. You’ve now successfully updated guest.r shaders.

In the pack there is not any guest shaders folder. Only sonkun with 3 subfolders. Do you mean to rename it to guest?

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No, that is from guest.r’s downloaded shader pack, that’s a whole different download that you have to get separately, the link for it is also there.

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So out of curiosity I searched to see if there ever was a OLED tv made with standard traditional RGB subpixels and to my surprise there actually was one made back in 2013:

Only thing is that it’s only 1080p and it’s out of stock and probably cost a fortune to find on the market these days. Still a Interesting find.

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This is from a 4K OLED, an LG CX I believe.

LG CX has WRGB subpixels?



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Yep, do note that WOLED, W-OLED, WRGB and RWBG are all used interchangeably to refer to LG Display’s OLED panels which include an additional White Subpixel.


I see. Forgot there were other acronyms used, all of those are the exact tvs I’m avoiding. If the tv I posted did 4k instead of just 1080p I would hunt that tv down regardless of price. From the little research I did that seems to be the only OLED literally in existence that does standard old traditional jail bar type RGB subpixels without any white subpixels in it.

Although it’s only 1080p that S9C OLED is rare to me, wouldn’t mind trying that out simply for testing purposes.


You might like this TV:

It’s got an RGB Subpixel Layout plus MiniLED, it’s 4K and it’s really bright.

There are also models from other manufacturers which fit this bill but they’re mainly available in larger sizes.


Q90C looks like it might have potential, I’d have to do more research on it though. Didn’t think there were any recent tvs that uses traditional RBG subpixels. The next question would then be are the RGB subpixels displayed like classic jailbars or is it some new modern pattern that it’s displayed as.


All of those TVs are miniLED TVs with IPS or ADS Pro LCD Panels. They’re the same “classic jailbars”. Nothing new. You can see all of the subpixel layouts if you scroll down in the reviews.