New sonkun crt guest advanced hd presets thread

Welcome back bro, always nice to see your latest works! Always mesmerizes me seeing how varied and beautiful everyone’s directions and intrinsic details when it comes to shaders from various projects.


Thank you, I’m glad to be back and even more glad to be back in the lab cooking up. Maybe that little break was needed, seeing my current pack after not seeing it for so long and asking myself “what the hell is this I put out” drove me straight into tweaking lol.

I wanna make sure colors don’t look washed out and too much glow seemed to be the cause of it among other things so I lowered that some. I hope I didn’t overdo it with the saturation, I haven’t cranked saturation up like that in a long time.

But yes I’m seeing if this is the way I should take these presets.


I’m glad you’re safe.


I don’t remember any of my settings at this point and am currently trying to find them 🤷 but that used to be my preference back when I was messing with shaders ye. (Grade was my jam)

Instead of adjusting the white point, I’d just abuse the tint controls to get the color spaces roughly where I wanted them (would I recommend going this route, ehhhh, I definitely clipped the shit out colors :sweat_smile:)


That’s a good thing lol. The guest shader and grade shader that you remember has been completely revised and revamped to the point that all old settings will need to be discarded and reworked from scratch, I think you’ve been away longer than when guest changed the name to “guest-ADVANCED” lol.

I’m kind of doing a combination of both at the moment lol, both adjusting the white point and playing with tint settings, the tint section alone is like its own world, simply tweaking one setting can drastically change the whole appearance. Dogway also said that with his new upgraded grade shader that a white point of about 7100K-7200K was the standard crts used, so me and @HyperspaceMadness have been using those white points in our projects going forward. I now use 6500K as a “warm” white point and around 7500K for “cool” while also using the “P22-90s” color space. There’s so much new stuff to see, you definitely have a lot to play around with now.

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Round two of playing around in the lab. Tweaked a couple more tint settings and changed up the glow settings a bit, now the pixels and the overall image looks a bit smoother.

All shots are composite except the first one:

Try the pack here:

Place presets directly into the shaders folder not shaders_slang. Also be sure to have guest.r’s latest shader update (2024-05-18-r1) when using this pack.

I think I’m getting closer to a look I like especially with the smoothness. My main issue now is tackling clipping in really bright white areas where I lose some detail in pixels because of how bright things are (The first Out Run clouds “dark” areas are faded out). If I can find a way to fix that but keep overall brightness the same (the answer might be a setting in the grade shader section, specifically the “crt contrast” setting and also switching up some brightness settings within the guest shader section) I’ll be good to go.


I can’t wait to see your whole new pack.


So today I decided I wanted a crt again, so I go to craigslist, typed in crt, found one in the electronic section, contacted the owner then hopped in my SUV and picked it up:

Nothing fancy at all, colors look really washed out, I think it’s a 27 inch slot mask but I got it for free. I gotta say seeing the mask up close on a real crt is a whole different experience, the mask itself from what I see, my 4k presets seem to look the most identical to the crt, the slot mask is really small, almost hardly even noticable unless you get really close. I’m not sure how I’ll be using this as a reference going forward but I’m glad to play on a real crt again after more than a decade.


You got any Trinitron laying around your house?

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I wish. I was fortunate enough to get my hands on just this one yesterday. First thing I did when I got home was hook the Sega Saturn up. The guy that gave it to me told me he had about 5 other tvs bigger and better that he recently gave away, he collects them from neighbors that just throw them away. I told him if he ever gets something again pleeeease let me know lol.

Another thing I noticed is that the base (black) mask is really noticeable on dark screens, there’s literally no “perfect blacks” at all. If I had to use the guest shader as an example on my preset I would say the “base mask” setting looks about identical to the crt at around 0.15:


You can consider joining this community and learning more about how to calibrate and restore your new set to pristine condition if you feel so inclined.


Oh yeah I lurk in there from time to time. I’ll have to start going there more often. I’m already back on the market to see if I can find another tv as well, the better conditioned ones I’ll probably have to shell out some money for but I’ll be willing if it looks good enough.

Just found someone selling a 36 inch Toshiba. I might go snatch that up later if I can get in contact with the owner.


Is it wierd that photos like this literally turn me on lol. It looks beautiful dude


If that’s weird then I don’t want to be normal because I feel the same way as you lol. Thank you. I’m reaching out to another owner that has a bigger tv to see if I can grab that one too

Edit: Damn, the guy just contacted me and said he already sold it and forgot to take the ad down lol. A 36 inch tv would’ve been nice to have


Hey @sonkun! Just a small preset hint. Since the later versions the ntsc-base preset uses the horizontal glow/bloom passes from the /hd folder instead of /advanced due the compatibility with the snes hi-res feature. It’s good to know i guess.


I can’t wait for more of your presets, RC.


Man. Since my last sample pack I came up with about 5 different new variations of presets but none of them are “clicking” for me. Who would’ve thought the most hardest part of tweaking is getting clouds from Out Run correct lol. If worse come to worse I’ll just say to hell with it and just go ahead with the last sample pack from above but I don’t like giving up either lol.

At the moment I’m working on the hd preset, if the hd is good then the ntsc should be the same way with the information you stated.


haha there’s always one wierd thing that gets hyperfixated on right


Take your time, Son-Kun. I know it will come out wonderful.

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Always lol.

Most of this time I just been experimenting in the “grade” settings. I think I put together about 50 different presets since I last posted then ended up discarding them to start over lol. I think I got something now though, if I have time later today I’ll post up a 3rd sample pack for you guys to try out.

I started tweaking settings I never touched before just trying out different combinations, those tint settings alone can produce countless different results it’s insane.