OLD Gamepad Autoconfig Thread

Hi, thanks for your great work :wink:

I just received my Wikipad 7 but no auto config.

The message I have when I push a button is: Port 0: Wikipad Controller

Only D-Pad working.

Do you need more infos ?

This device also has two analog triggers and two sticks with click for each, in fact it’s exactly the same controls as the Shield.



That should be more than enough to map all the different buttons, especially if you compare with other lists provided to support other controllers :))

No sorry because same as the Shield, analog triggers are not recognized with manual mapping, but with auto detect the analog triggers works on the Shield, so if we can have the same thing for the Wikipad it will be perfect for PSX emu and others games that need 4 triggers.


You need to read the original post for instructions on how to report it.

Arf sorry :wink:

So for this: HID {%some name here%] unbound

I have:

Port 0: Wikipad Controller

After I enabled the debug info, for the two analog triggers I have:

Pad 0: x 0.00, y 0.00, z 0.00, rz 0.00, (I have a , at the end of the line so I don’t know if I have an other value or not because it’s the end of the screen)

Left Joystick: 

Left: Pad 0: x -1.00, y 0.00, z 0.00, rz 0.00
Right: Pad 0: x 1.00, y 0.00, z 0.00, rz 0.00
Up: Pad 0: x 0.00, y -1.00, z 0.00, rz 0.00
Down: Pad 0: x 0.00, y 1.00, z 0.00, rz 0.00

Right Joystick: 

Left: Pad 0: x 0.00, y 0.00, z -1.00, rz 0.00
Right: Pad 0: x 0.00, y 0.00, z 1.00, rz 0.00
Up: Pad 0: x 0.00, y 0.00, z 0.00, rz -1.00
Down: Pad 0: x 0.00, y 0.00, z 0.00, rz 1.00

D-PAD Left: Pad 0: x 0.00, y 0.00, z 0.00, rz 0.00,
D-PAD Right: Pad 0: x 0.00, y 0.00, z 0.00, rz 0.00,
D-PAD Up: Pad 0: x 0.00, y 0.00, z 0.00, rz 0.00,
D-PAD Down: Pad 0: x 0.00, y 0.00, z 0.00, rz 0.00,

A: Pad 0: 96, ac = 0, src = 1281
B: Pad 0: 97, ac = 0, src = 1281
X: Pad 0: 100, ac = 0, src = 1281
Y: Pad 0: 99, ac = 0, src = 1281

L1: Pad 0: 102, ac = 0, src = 1281
R1: Pad 0: 103, ac = 0, src = 1281

L2 (Left Analog Trigger): x 0.00, y 0.00, z 0.00, rz 0.00,
R2 (Right Analog Trigger): x 0.00, y 0.00, z 0.00, rz 0.00,

L3 (stick): Pad 0: 106, ac = 0, src = 1281
R3 (stick): Pad 0: 107, ac = 0, src = 1281

Start: Pad 0: 108, ac = 0, src = 1281
Back/Select: Pad 0: 4, ac = 0, src = 1281

It’s strange because some controls have the same values (DPAD and Analog Triggers), or maybe the line is too long to see the complete values on the screen ?

Many thanks for the great work, I hope a Wikipad profile to use the analog triggers like the Nvidia Shield for PSX games. All other controls are ok with manual input, event the right stick, but analog triggers wont.


Hi Squarepusher!

MUCH iReadGo i5

Port 0: mtk-kpd

Left stick:

Left: Pad 0: 21, ac = 0, src = 1793 Right: Pad 0: 22, ac = 0, src = 1793 Up: Pad 0: 19, ac = 0, src = 1793 Down: Pad 0: 20, ac = 0, src = 1793

Left d-pad:

Left: Pad 0: 21, ac = 0, src = 1793 Right: Pad 0: 22, ac = 0, src = 1793 Up: Pad 0: 19, ac = 0, src = 1793 Down: Pad 0: 20, ac = 0, src = 1793

L1: Pad 0: 102, ac = 0, src = 1793 R1: Pad 0: 103, ac = 0, src = 1793

A: Pad 0: 23, ac = 0, src = 1793 B: Pad 0: 97, ac = 0, src = 1793 X: Pad 0: 99, ac = 0, src = 1793 Y: Pad 0: 100, ac = 0, src = 1793

Right stick doesn’t show the msg, although it works in other apps. Can the support of my device be added to your app ? Thanks!

Hi Squarepusher!

Hope you can support this Game Controller. FC30 GamePad www.fc30.com

I follow the instruction, and get the information list below:

Port 0: 8Bitdo FC30 GamePad.

Up: Pad 0: 19, ac = 0, src = 1281 Down: Pad 0: 20, ac = 0, src = 1281 Left: Pad 0: 21, ac = 0, src = 1281 Right: Pad 0: 22, ac = 0, src = 1281

SELECT: Pad 0: 98, ac = 0, src = 1281 START: Pad 0: 108, ac = 0, src = 1281

A: Pad 0: 96, ac = 0, src = 1281 B: Pad 0: 97, ac = 0, src = 1281 X: Pad 0: 99, ac = 0, src = 1281 Y: Pad 0: 100, ac = 0, src = 1281

L1: Pad 0: 102, ac = 0, src = 1281 R1: Pad 0: 103, ac = 0, src = 1281

I am using running on my NOTE2. RetroArch is amazing, I love it so much.


I see that all problem with Ipega on android should be resolve. But when I Active my Joystick as describe : - Turn on the iPega in joystick mode (hold X + Home button) - Pair it with your phone - In RetroArch Settings - Input, use automatic detection, and go into “iCade Profile for Pad 1” and select the iPega there.

All the direction pads (cross and joystick) work. But the buttons doesn’t work at all.

Have you a solution ?


My system : Samsung Galaxy Nexus (android 4.3) RetroArch v0.9.9.6

Jonathan K.

I wanted to post the keymaps for the JXD s5110B but the right analog stick doesn’t give any values.

As mentioned on IRC, keycodes for the Buffalo SNES pad have changed on Android 4.3. Name shows as previously reported, "USB,2-axis 8-button gamepad ".

New keycodes:


D-pad isn’t returning axis values when pressed (all directions print the same message “Pad 0: x 0.00, y 0.00, z 0.00, rz 0.00,”), but input is working in both RGUI and cores.

Does this device also have L3/R3 buttons? As in - pressing the thumbstick down?

I seem to be missing buttons for Start/Select unfortunately.

Added the MUCH iReadGo i5, FC30 Gamepad and Wikipad to the autodetection list.

Wait for the next Android update - you will have to tell me then if there are still any remaining gamepad mapping issues to do with these devices.

this device doesn’t have buttons start/select

Hey libretro! Really loving RetroArch on my Wii and Android stick! Major thanks to all who made it possible!

I own a modded Madcatz Street Fighter stick, the Standard Edition, and with the recent support updates got it working somehow by using the turbo button function. It only worked one time. Prior to that Android didn’t recognize it at all. The next day I tried it again and it didn’t work anymore. I’ve been trying randomly and it won’t work at all. Could I have shorted something in the stick? The stick device name is “PC USB wired stick 8818”. Is there anything I can try?

Thanks to all ho keep working on this awesome emulator.

I’m having a strange issue with Nyko Playpad Pro. Everything functions as it should except that the A and B buttons are reversed as are the X and Y buttons.

I can try tweaking this myself if I can figure out where the keycodes are defined.

For reference:

The keycode for labeled button A is 96; B is 97; X is 99; Y is 100



way back in February Darta79 posted about a TTT THT arcade usb 2p… You had him go to irc to debug. I have that same controller, did you ever get it working?


Would be great if you could add my gamepad to the autodetect list. Details below…

Gioteck PS3 wired controller http://www.gioteck.com/products/playstation-3/controllers-ps3/vx-1-wired/

Reported as: “Port 0: ShanWan Gioteck PS3 Wired Controller”

(It has two analogue sticks - not sure how/if I need to report both of these)

ac is always=0 and where shown src = 1281. I can’t see src for the D-pad buttons (assume it is displayed off screen)

Values for Pad 0:

Pad Up: x 0.00, y -1.00, z 0.00, zr 0.00 Pad down: x 0.00, y 1.00, z 0.00, zr 0.00 Pad right: x 1.00, y 0.00, z 0.00, zr 0.00 Pad left: x -1.00, y 0.00, z 0.00, zr 0.00


R1: 193 R2: 195 R3: 199 L1: 192 L2: 194 L3: 198

START: 197 SELECT: 196

If you need any more info give me a shout.


Hi Squarepusher, new device here, the JXD S7800B:

Port 0: ADC Joystick

Left Joystick: 

Left: Pad 0: x -1.00, y 0.00, z 0.00, rz 0.00
Right: Pad 0: x 1.00, y 0.00, z 0.00, rz 0.00
Up: Pad 0: x 0.00, y -1.00, z 0.00, rz 0.00
Down: Pad 0: x 0.00, y 1.00, z 0.00, rz 0.00

Right Joystick: 

Left: Pad 0: x 0.00, y 0.00, z -1.00, rz 0.00
Right: Pad 0: x 0.00, y 0.00, z 1.00, rz 0.00
Up: Pad 0: x 0.00, y 0.00, z 0.00, rz -1.00
Down: Pad 0: x 0.00, y 0.00, z 0.00, rz 1.00

D-PAD Left: Pad 0: 21, ac = 0, src = 1281
D-PAD Right: Pad 0: 22, ac = 0, src = 1281
D-PAD Up: Pad 0: 19, ac = 0, src = 1281
D-PAD Down: Pad 0: 20, ac = 0, src = 1281

A: Pad 0: 96, ac = 0, src = 1281
B: Pad 0: 97, ac = 0, src = 1281
D: Pad 0: 100, ac = 0, src = 1281
C: Pad 0: 99, ac = 0, src = 1281

L1: Pad 0: 102, ac = 0, src = 1281
R1: Pad 0: 103, ac = 0, src = 1281

L2: Pad 0: 104, ac = 0, src = 1281
R2: Pad 0: 105, ac = 0, src = 1281


START: Pad 0: 108, ac = 0, src = 1281
SELECT: Pad 0: 109, ac = 0, src = 1281

Hope JXD will fix the 57hz refresh rate screen to 60hz because it’s a great powerfull console for emulation, not as powerfull as the Nvidia Shield, but it’s a very good console.


I would like my device added to the supported list. It’s the JXD s5110b . However retroarch won’t recognise the right analog stick. All other controls give a keycode but right stick acts like I haven’t done anything.

Can this be resolved?

OK I got the right stick displaying. I’ve found GO keyboard has a bad effect on my analog sticks and stops them working correctly. However the fonts for the keycodes are too wide. I can only see X and Y values, I can see the letter Z but then everything else is off screen. Changing display and resolution settings doesn’t help.

Any advice?