JXD S7300b with TheXSample-SXELROM v3.5 (has an another driver as the stock rom)
port 0: noadc_joystick
A = Pad 0: 96, ac=0, src=1281
B = Pad 0: 97, ac=0, src=1281
X = Pad 0: 99, ac=0, src=1281
Y = Pad 0: 100, ac=0, src=1281
Left Stick up = Pad 0: x 0.00, y -1.00, z 0.00, rx 0.00, ry 0.00, rz 0.00,
Left Stick down = Pad 0: x 0.00, y 1.00, z 0.00, rx 0.00, ry 0.00, rz 0.00,
Left Stick left = Pad 0: x -1.00, y 0.00, z 0.00, rx 0.00, ry 0.00, rz 0.00,
Left Stick right = Pad 0: x 1.00, y 0.00, z 0.00, rx 0.00, ry 0.00, rz 0.00,
Right Stick up = Pad 0: x 0.00, y 0.00, z 0.00, rx 0.00, ry -1.00, rz 0.00,
Right Stick down = Pad 0: x 0.00, y 0.00, z 0.00, rx 0.00, ry 1.00, rz 0.00,
Right Stick left = Pad 0: x 0.00, y 0.00, z 0.00, rx -1.00, ry 0.00, rz 0.00,
Right Stick right = Pad 0: x 0.00, y 0.00, z 0.00, rx 1.00, ry 0.00, rz 0.00,
Dpad is the same as the left stick
L1 = Pad 0: 102, ac=0, src=1281
L2 = Pad 0: 104, ac=0, src=1281
R1 = Pad 0: 103, ac=0, src=1281
R2 = Pad 0: 105, ac=0, src=1281
Start = Pad 0: 108, ac=0, src=1281
Select = Pad 0: 109, ac=0, src=1281