one of my many projects atm … for my crt display
How do I add the flyer artwork at the top in the “now featuring” box for the standalone Neo Geo overlay?
if you want just to change the image \Mega_Bezel_Packs\P3sT\images\neogeo there are all the flyers
I mean how do I place the image inside the box?
oh one solution would be to have the exact same res , otherwise you can set the placement and size of it , when you change the LED image layer position and size in the shader settings
I’m having trouble figuring it out. I clearly know how to get my game video in the arcade screen…I still just don’t know how I’ll be able to achieve putting an image in the box as well. Or would I have to place the image in the box first before using the overlay in RetroArch?
you can change all of this via the quick menu under shader then shader paramters and there you can config everything the shader has to offer to you likings …like i say is the LED image layer is the thing you want to change
Any differences between the 2 published versions or should I just stick with the latest v1.04?
Or should I install v1.03 and then v1.04 on top of that?
normally the last update works as standalone but you can install it on top aswell it just has minor tweakings in brightness etc. chose what you like
Are there any House of the Dead arcade bezel overlays that exist?
Which house of the dead?
I would be okay with either both 1 & 2.
In that case you could try this:
@Boz1978 This looks nice. I do appreciate it, but I was actually hoping for an arcade bezel overlay, something similar to what @Orionsangel does. The realistic arcade cab overlays with the bezels and marquees, light guns and such.
the thing is as far as i know the house of the dead cabinets (1&2) have a generic black bezel no real art
PapaShine makes really nice 3D modeled bezels. I don’t know if he has done one for that house of the dead, but you might want to check.
Hey, no I haven’t gotten to that one yet. I’d have to look more into it.
Okay, exactly which shader am I supposed to use to have the full Neo Geo cabinet with the game image artwork showing the in the “Now Featuring” box in the top right corner marquee box? I downloaded a standalone folder some time ago that has folders with images and presets with .slangp files. Exactly which ones do I use, and where do I place them in the Retroarch directory? I’m totally lost.