I am working on getting my n64 emulator working the best I can via an x86 install of RetroPie. All other emulators targeted at x86 are working well, Dolphin, etc. I also have Vulkan working nicely for Dolphin and libretro-beetle-psx-hw.
However, with n64 using the ParaLLEl emulator, the performance really isn’t great. It doesn’t matter which gfxplugin I use, or whether I run Retroarch with the GL or Vulkan driver, it’s nowhere near as strong as either the Mupen64plus standalone or the mupen64plus-libretro emulators.
In fact, using the Vulkan driver, the performance is an absolute disaster on the default settings, and i’ve tried using the ParaLLEl plugin. However Vulkan works ok with Dolphin and Beetle-HW. Angrylion is better with the tweaks mentioned on the blog, but still no good. Going back to GL works better, but the audio is choppy some games and in general, games like Perfect Dark (the intro for example) really seem to underperform.
Now I know ParaLLEl is more focused on accuracy and perhaps it is more taxing than mupen64plus-libretro, but there is a light and day difference between using ParaLLEl and any other n64 emulator. It’s quite strange.
I am running Ubuntu MATE 16.04, Intel Core i5-4590T Processor (4th Gen), 8gb RAM, Intel HD Graphics HD4600. I know the graphics card is not exceptionally strong, but it does run Dolphin, upscaled Dreamcast, PSX, PSP, very well, and I can run n64 titles with no issue in the other emulators. I can even ramp the resolution up a fair bit with no obvious drop in fps.
I did try running Mupen64plus with both GlideN64 and Glide64, these work well, as does mupen64plus-libretro, even just leaving everything at default. But if I run the same game with the Glide64 plugin on ParaLLEl, the performance is nowhere close, although of course i’m sure it is more accurate. The same goes for other plugins. I have tried to turn the accuracy down on the emu, but it seems to make little difference.
Does anyone have any ideas? Perhaps there are some settings I have missed which will transform ParaLLEl into something usable? Or is it really just massively heavier and resource hungry than Mupen64plus? Maybe there is a performance issue with the emulator on Linux?
I guess I am trying to work out whether to pursue using ParaLLEl with this project, or whether I should just stick with one of the other emulators. With ParaLLEl under constant development and having most of the GFX plugins all under one roof, I figured this would be the best one to use, but i’m a bit stuck as to why the performance is so poor.