I’ve been messing with the PCSX Rearmed core and it is definitely the best ps1 core, but I’ve encountered a few issues"
- Retroarch crashes every time I try to restart a game. It’s kinda annoying that I can’t restart my game like that.
- Guardian Crusade FMVs look weird. The left side overlaps the right side, and it looks like the middle part is cut off.
- Final Fantasy IV has black blocks on certain objects and the background looks off.
- The US version Jackie Chan Stuntmaster gives a black screen after the Radical Entertainment logo. I would use the PAL version and force it as NTSC, but…
- Everytime I set a PAL game as NTSC and reopen it, it goes back to PAL. Saving it as a separate config does not help.
- Moving up barely moves the character in analong games like Ape Escape.
I have tried various things for all of these and they haven’t worked. Is there any fix for these?