Please show off what crt shaders can do!

Muchas gracias Señor!

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Lol, pero no es mi idioma.

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Is there anything I could use with 1024x768 resolution, @Hyllian? I am playing with one of those odd rectangular pixel plasma tvs…

With that resolution, you barely scale 8/16-bit games by 3x, which isn’t enough for most crt shader effects. With that resolution, you’d better use some simple scanline or even a crt shader without mask for a clear visual. Try some simple crt shaders like: crt-caligari, crt-nobody, zfast, etc.

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Okay, I will play with those and post something if I achieve anything good. Thanks.


These use the preset I mention here. I wanted to show what it can do in it’s current state before I apply the latest update.

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Release Candidate 2 Neo Geo…

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:partying_face: :partying_face:



This looks like a trinitron. What game is it? My CRT doesn’t look like that, has a different pattern.

On which console? Also to mention, what CRT? My CRT is a Sanyo and has a slotmask, and I’m copying the look of my CRT. Now looks very close to my CRT.

Is the arcade version running on FBneo on my lcd! :innocent:

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Looks good! You gave me an Idea, I’ll make a screenshot with my settings to see how it looks :grin:

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From mobile camera:

Directly from megabezel snapshot:


Your slot-mask is looking great, on the photo as well as in the screenshot!

Unfortunately, on my monitor (1080p) slot-mask does not really work well, I tried many different combinations and also presets from the community but there is always something off-looking…

But with my current mask settings [Powered by guest adv ™ ] I’m very happy! is probably not accurate but the whole picture and final result looks good to me :partying_face:

here’s the RA screenshot

In this one (parodius upside down volcano :sweat_smile:) you can see a close-up of what’s happening :grin:


I have a 1080p settrings on my thread, you can download and try it if you want, it’s not perfect, but it looks like this:

Yes! Looks fantasctic! :heart_eyes:



I tried your preset few times! :sweat_smile:

What I think is that (as I see in the previous screenshots and others that you post) your preset is very well made and looks very nice but not on my monitor , same with other presets from other people, probably my monitor is not good enough or just different.

Just now I tried RetroGames4K_1080P_Sanyo CE1AT08-C_Realistic_ArcadeTo make this preset usable on my side I have to lower mask and slot mask to around 60 and push post brightness up to 1.30. But still something is not right in the whole picture and balance (contrast, gamma? not sure)

On top of that with slot-mask presets I have to use int scaling :sob:

It is very difficult to show what I really see on my monitor but in this is photo on the left is my preset and your on the right (default settings).

At the end of the day to get the best picture when tweeking a shader is better to do it on the “target” monitor/display, but is good to share preset to get new ideas and try new things!

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It’s not your fauIt, I relise that it still needs a bit of tweaking. It’s not your monitor, I will update it as well when I can.


Introducing…CyberLab CRT-Royale Death To Pixels Shader Preset Pack!

Tap on image then zoom in for best viewing. Desktop users, right click then Open in New Tab, then press F11 for FullScreen. Non 4K users, zoom in until it looks correct.