Please show off what crt shaders can do!

@guest.r @hunterk so after looking through the “Calling all CRT owners” thread, I’ve noticed (actually all of them that I noticed tbh) alot of the CRT pictures show moire (via camera capture) on the opposite axis than is exhibited in shaders typically. Usually the pattern originates from the top and bottom of the screen in shaders, CRTs seem to be doing it from the left and right.

So my thoughts are we applying the amount backwards, sorta. Just dumb shower thought things.


Not sure about what that means, but I think this is happening because shaders (usually) properly emulates curved scanlines but draw plain straight/uncurved mask to limit moire.

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My name is Bob, and, I think I have a problem… :rofl:


There is very little curvature on an actual CRT. The moire is caused by trying to fit a lot of information in little space, eg the camera can’t capture all detail in a zoomed out thumbnail, same happens on an LCD monitor. If you lower mask strength or use a coarse mask it goes away.


Then shouldn’t the moire introduce itself in the same manner?

Like, an actual CRT should exhibit similar moire when photographed compared to a CRT shader exhibiting moire via a screenshot (viewed as a thumbnail), unless I’m misunderstanding the conversation.

Copying has always been fun! :smile:



by: @RetroGames4K here



I’m having a hard time picking up on the moire in your screenshot, but I’m going to assume it’s doing the same thing and I’m dumb :sweat_smile: :joy:

Nope, it was not intended as an answer, but I liked so much the screens from RetroGames4K, that i’ve had to try to match them :slight_smile:

-EDIT- I just uploaded another screen where you CAN spot moire.


It is a nice screenshot.

Also great picture @RetroGames4K btw.


Wow! Is that Mega Bezel? Well done! Looks identical! You really got an eye for it. :smiley::+1:t4:

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It’s koko-aio, yeah, looks very near indeed, but works good just for Chaos Engine, or games one can zoom in on a 1080p; it definitely needs more pixels :slight_smile:

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You did a great job there! New Sanyo CRT Koko-aio preset for the repo?

I’m almost about ready to take Koko-aio for a real spin!


I bought a new mobile phone 2 weeks ago and it has got a better camera, I’m still learning how it works though, close up photos looks really good, but I have to make better photos with mid distance, they look blurry or with too much brightness. I will upload more photos with different consoles and games. I hope I can make better photos from a mid distance, the colour is spot on in close up photos.:smiley:


Does the phone have Manual/Pro camera controls?

If so you can use between

  • 250 to 500 ISO
  • 1/60 shutter speed
  • Manual focus
  • Auto WB, 5500K, 5000K, 6500K or just adjust the white balance to what looks closest to what you’re seeing in real life
  • Make sure your camera is perfectly stable when snapping or recording. You can probably use a tripod or mini tripod for this
  • Lastly, try to shoot in as dark a room as possible with the only light being the light coming off the screen.

If trying to preserve the phosphors on bright scenes and colours, you might have to lower the ISO to 100.

For some devices that don’t have these controls built-in, there might be 3rd party camera apps.

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Yes, it has these options on the pro mode:

Thanks for your tips, and I’ll follow your advice. Later I’ll post some more photos of the Super Nintendo, with the pro options. :grin:



Nice pattern! (2,3,4)



Son of a gun! Wow man just when I return to the scene the main man that got me started with these shaders in the first place returns lol. Long time no see my guy, glad to see you back. I know you see how far the guest shader has advanced since last time you been here, so many new features got added. Definitely looking forward to seeing what you produce with it.


I really haven’t gotten a chance to mess with the new version of guest, my tablet doesn’t like it :confused: planning on checking it out next time I’m at my friend’s house.

Currently I’ve been “modifying”/forking the GLSL version of crt-consumer to suit my tastes (it’s a nice speedy base that looks good, imho)

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