Help, please! I made a small, but useful, modification for the slang version of the crt-easymode shader. Since it’s a pretty forgotten shader, I’d like to present it for review and see if it can be uploaded to the official repository.
What I did was adding a new parameter, called BRIGHT_BOOST_CUTOFF, providing a separate value for brightness boost when the cutoff resolution for scanline gaps is achieved. My reasoning is: without the gaps, the picture becomes immediately brighter, so the user might want to scale down any boosting applied in that regard. However, I’m not a programmer and have close to zero knowledge about GitHub. If someone could test my modifications and help me putting this for review, I’d appreciate it. Also, I don’t care about credits, just want to share it with people, if it’s good enough; upload it in my place, if you will.
You can download it here: