Yes, well done! something similar I’m looking for. Any ideas? What do you think I’m missing? I think one of the reasons coult it be what @kokoko3k mentioned?, I use deconvergence X & Y 75, 75 and 2.00 intensity. Maybe I shouldn’t use it at all. Maybe that could be doing the squeeze blurry thing?..
You can set Glow to 0.0, it can make a blurry impression. If using NTSC version, you can also play with the NTSC Sharpness Shape
parameter. Ofc. cranking up NTSC Sharpness (Adaptive)
is a must.
I use magic glow 2 default, mask glow -0.75 and Halation -0.03 I dont use any other settings.
Yes, moreless similar to what @guest.r showed as well. I know there’s something I do not touch or I’m missing or I maybe do not change since the beginning and Imystuck with it…
I did a little with the CRT Guest Advanced, it’s really something crazy, but I have trouble adjusting the colors properly.
#reference "shaders_slang/crt/crt-guest-advanced.slangp"
PR = "0.300000"
PG = "0.300000"
PB = "0.300000"
AS = "0.250000"
sat = "0.450000"
CP = "4.000000"
TNTC = "1.000000"
WP = "5.000000"
wp_saturation = "1.000000"
contr = "0.800000"
BP = "-5.000000"
vigstr = "0.100000"
vigdef = "1.000000"
lsmooth = "0.650000"
gamma_out = "2.399999"
inter = "800.000000"
iscan = "0.250000"
m_glow_cutoff = "0.100000"
m_glow_low = "0.300000"
m_glow_high = "4.000001"
m_glow_dist = "0.900000"
SIZEH = "5.000000"
SIGMA_H = "1.000000"
SIZEV = "5.000000"
SIGMA_V = "1.100000"
SIZEHB = "2.000000"
SIGMA_HB = "0.600000"
SIZEVB = "2.000000"
SIGMA_VB = "0.500000"
bloom = "0.050000"
bmask1 = "-0.000000"
hmask1 = "0.400000"
gamma_c = "1.200000"
brightboost = "1.300000"
brightboost1 = "1.000000"
scans = "0.500000"
spike = "1.000000"
h_sharp = "4.500000"
s_sharp = "0.400000"
ei_limit = "0.200000"
sth = "0.300000"
BLOOM = "1.000000"
warpX = "0.050000"
warpY = "0.050000"
c_shape = "0.200000"
csize = "0.020000"
bsize1 = "0.100000"
barspeed = "40.000000"
barintensity = "0.010000"
shadowMask = "1.000000"
maskboost = "1.100000"
maskDark = "0.400000"
maskLight = "1.300000"
mask_gamma = "2.300000"
deconrry = "0.250000"
deconrgy = "-0.250000"
deconrby = "0.250000"
Maybe you can aim to get your Mask and phosphors looking something like this first, then add little hints of Halation, Glow and Bloom afterwards in order to blend and smoothen things more “naturally”:
I already mentioned the parameters you can use to achieve this.
thanks I will look at that
Most of my suggestions and replies were directed at @RetroGames4K due to the issues he was having.
I hope you don’t let my advice confuse you as to your presets.
here is a little progress with the guest advanced shader for my arcade project if you have any advice or others I am interested![
Link shader:
At last I managed to make the characters closer to the screen , now is time to work to make things brighter. Thanks all for the tips as always.
Also Merry Christmas.
Wow! What was the missing link? Do you have an HDR display? You can try the hybrid approach of using the HDR built-into RetroArch.
Yes, I have. But is an LG HDR10 monitor but is not that powerful, but I can do an HDR version after when I finish these settings that it will be very soon now I’m sure. I will keep in touch so I can start with your help a HDR version if you want. One of the missing point was that I raised by accident afterglow setting, one of the first ones on top that made me rise contrast so I lost detail. Also I tweaked little bit colour saturation and lowered a bit ntsc gamma too.
Once it can get brighter in HDR Mode than SDR mode then you can use that extra brightness to enhance and improve your presets without having to resort to things like pushing Gamma, Bright Boost, Bloom, Halation and glow too much (or as much) or lowering Mask and Scanline Gap Strength to get things brighter.
Most of those settings tend to stray from the look of an actual CRT when pushed too far. There might be side effects such as blurring, halos, dilution of the CRT Mask e.t.c.
By utilizing any additional available brightness from the display you can keep the Mask and Scanlines Gaps stronger and the edges sharper.
I soon will post these settings new I have, and I promise you you are going to be impressed, I’m going to Rock every socks off. It’s goint to be the most reallistic, stunning I ever made so far. You will have all a Christmas gift. I will post some screen shots, I can say I’m finally finished with the Philips Settings on 1080p. After this we can work on HDR mode. Stay tuned
Well said pal, WELL SAID!
hello Are there people who have a Sanyo screen? I would like to know if it resembles the one I had, because I have vague memories of that screen I had in my room when I was younger.
Hi, I’m new to RetroArch shaders! Sorry for the noob question and bringing up this post from 2022! Are these parameters used with the “crt-guest-advanced-hd.slangp” preset?
Yes, the ‘HD’ version as i like to call it, can handle increased internal resolutions quite better (like with the PPSSPP core).
Thank you, very much!
where could i get that TV layout, please ?