Please show off what crt shaders can do!

My current preset and a quick summer run to 1cc World Warriors, this time Vega (last boss) got me in the end :sob:

Also, it might be a nostalgia bias but I prefer world warrior’s stages palette to the newer CE and HF. Especially Honda and Guile…

What do you think?


I like them all to be honest but how dare they cut down Sagat stage’s coconut tree!? Are they nuts!?

Brightness and colours look great, vivid! A little bit too much curvature in the horizontal axis for me leading to distortion of the power bars and misaligned text and then the mask is overshadowed by the scanline intensity and bloom so you don’t get that CRT effect when up close but full mask strength also has its own artifacts and challenges to deal with.

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yeah, this is tailored for my monitor: 1080p 24’’ “old” asus lcd that I use fairly close to me (less then a m).

I prefer to keep a good balance for my monitor between mask and scanlines: pushing, or using different types of the mask will end up with more problems like brightness, contrast and gamma besides ugly visible patterns and a constant fight against Mr Moire…

I try to make the most for my “visual” pleasure while playing not caring much about crt fidelity at the moment. :sweat_smile:

For the curvature I use this because I can use 2 “modes” one full screen (like in the shots) and another one with 1600x900 that fits well with duimon’s overlays curvature:


I need your help! With slotmask, I have a doubt about scanlines, which one do I have to use, and which one looks best or more realistic?

Scanlines GSL On Mode 0, Fake Scanlines Off:

Fake scanlines On 100%, Scanlines GSL Off:

Note: The 5 screenshots from the post above this one, are with GSL On Mode 0, but I wanted to make a comparison because I tried with fake scanlines and for me looks sharper with fake scanlines On, but I have a doubt about these 2 settings of wich is the correct one to use, and the differences.

the only difference I notice is a slight increase of saturation in the first screenshot.

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Yes scanlines GSL tend to make the image a bit blurry and slightly more saturation, apart from that, with fake scanlines looks sharper than the first screenshot. So my question is, why there are 2 scanlines settings and what’s the difference between the 2?

I don’t quite agree with this.

GLS Scanlines is CRT-Guest’s implementation and is extremely flexible. If you think the image looks blurry maybe you can try a higher Scanline Type for example 1 or 2. Darker scanlines tend to sharpen the image.

You can also customize the look and shape of the scanlines as well.

As for Fake Scanlines, that’s an HSM implementation.

It can be used as an effect to add scanlines in cases where you normally won’t see scanlines for example in high res interlaced content.

It’s more artistic than accurate. You can even set it to any number of scanlines (within its range) without regard for the resolution of the image. That’s not how scanlines work though.

It also didn’t curve with the screen although, I think recent implementations have added curvature. Also recent implementations have added the ability for the scanlines to be calculated based on the number of vertical pixels so you get a more realistic number of scanlines.

However if curvature is off on these Fake Scanlines but Screen Curvature is On, there will be misalignment of the scanlines on the graphics.

Also, if an arbitrary number of scanlines is chosen there will also be misalignment of the scanlines on the graphics.

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Ok, thanks for the aclaration. So I’ll use GSL then, I was a bit confused that’s why. :sweat_smile:

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So Fake Scanlines is more for special circumstances and artistic purposes.

GSL Scanlines is for when you want to try to emulate and recreate a CRT’s (or CRT-Like) scanlines.

Fake Scanlines is also a Mega Bezel feature, not a CRT-Guest-Advanced feature.


New release: crt-royale-1080p-v4

Added multiLUT option with 2 LUTs (1-Trinitron; 2- NEC xm29plus). It can be selected through params.




That looks fantastic!!! Is there any 4K setting?


I’m only tweaking these presets because my two monitors are 1080p and vanilla royale didn’t look very good on them. Well, if you have 4k display, you can test these presets and tell us if they look good! :stuck_out_tongue:

BTW, I’m replaying SOTN using those presets. Here’s some off screenshots:

The feature I like about royale is brightness and sharpness. It manages to output an amazing bright/sharp picture without letting the colors fade. I don’t know what kind of magic it does to achieve that.


Well, there seems to be a lot of glow and bloom to begin with. If you zoom in on the Samurai Showdown screenshots you can see that thick pink halo around the petals as well as halos around other objects.

Other shaders can probably be as bright using similar levels of Bloom, Glow and Halation.

Less than 100% Mask Strength also makes it easier to preserve the Saturation and Sharpness.

The screenshots do look great though!

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The real challenge is to be able to keep the source gamma, sharpness and mask visibility. Simply altering the gamma in the final stage is a possibilty, but it steals precision.

My feeling is that there is really not much room to move into.


I would say the real challenge is to get it to look the way you want or look the best on whatever display you use at your preferred viewing distance.

There are an infinite number of goals that can be targeted using these Shaders. Different users prioritize different aspects.

For some it’s trying to get as close to a particular style or model CRT.

For others it’s about going beyond what they think a CRT might be able to achieve.

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the halo in crt-royale comes from the diffusion parameter and it is very strong even at minimum, when I tried to give a go to that shader I had to turn it off: is to strong of an effect and the halo is too nocticeble on my screen at least.

I gave a go at your preset @Hyllian, i’m on a 1080p panel, other then diffusion it does not look bad but on my end (I use mostly non-integer) patterns are very visible due to moire/un-even scanlines in some cases, try to load legend of hero tonma (arcade) it is one of my go-to test for this kind of problems…


Yeah, it does. I didn’t change anything of that from the original Royale. I think it isn’t only that that gives a good picture. What is amazing is how it doesn’t wash out the colors by increasing the brightness.

I think it can be achieved with @guest.r shaders. I tried here to achieve that, but couldn’t get the colors correct. I’d like to get these visuals on a faster shader like @guest.r’s, because royale is a bit too heavy to use all the time.

I don’t like very much the diffusion when I’m zapping through pictures in front of my display, but when I decide to play some game and stays far enough (more than 1 meter) from the screen, the brightness provided by diffusion makes a big difference! The non-integer artifacts aren’t good at small distance, though not much relevant from some distance. These presets are good for actually playing, not much for looking pictures.


Yeah we are on the same page, I also don’t like to pixel peep but just to play.

This on my monitor makes lines in the sky very visible, how does it look on your display? It might be just my monitor, i’m on a 24’’ and I use it at a meter at max, usually less.


I can see that on mine too. But it’s no big deal if you decide to use integer scaling.

BTW, it isn’t a perfect visual. A more annoying “defect” in these royale’s visuals is that some white objects are a bit blurry and I can’t fix that. Looks like the mask doesn’t work as good in white scenes compared to dark ones.