Please show off what crt shaders can do!

Resurrecting/answering to this old post because yesterday I realized that it is not my brain, but simply my fading eyesight that blends group of vertical pixels turning them into tiny vertical patterns lol; this explains why I didn’t see them in the past :frowning:

A pair of new glasses may save lot of useless code, but with real crts this does not happen

…at least, last time I checked, lol.

Again, great presets, have you lowered the wide bloom? I can see less “soap opera” effect.


yeah, with modern monitors there is very little way to hide patterns and imperfections while on good old crts magic happens!

bloom didn’t change from the previous preset, but I think I lowered a little magic glow and went from -0.20 to -0.25 halation. I changed few other things to adjust contrast, color and brightness but is difficult to keep track of every change when I start to push and pull things around :sweat_smile:

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I usually put simple preset saving to on and save the various modifications one by one to,say, try1,try,2…tryn; when things start to break, I go back by a step or two :wink:

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Hey Guys!

Was deconvergence a flaw or on purpose? What level of deconvergence is acceptable?

Does anyone recommend a set of parameters for the convergence effect?

Deconvergence is technically a flaw,but a lot of arcade monitors show at some slight deconvergence.

In the Mega Bezel you can turn on deconvergence and there are some default values set for some basic but not overwhelming deconvergence.


Probably how anyone was playing back in the day on a ZX Spectrum


Tweaked Monitor-Kakashi shader from koko on a Steam Deck oled. There are some artifacts on the edges because of the fake integer scanlines but for a 1280x800 resolution I think it looks really nice

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Changed to a different mask. It seems to have less artifacts

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I’m glad it is running fine, i’m running it on 720p on my phone.

If you have not already, you can enable delta render to spare battery life:

in config.globals, remove leading ‘//’ from the line // #define DELTA_RENDER 1.0
You may want to do the same with: // #define HALVE_BORDER_UPDATE 1.0

Also, in config-user.txt you may want to turn on/off features that will never change; this has the double pros that every preset you load will obey them and for every sticky setting, you’ll gain a bit of performance.

Eg, in a low res screen, you would force integer scanlines by putting:
#define PIXELGRID_COREY_FAKE_SCAN 1.0 (NO trailing //, that would otherwise just void the line as it was blank)

On my not so fast phone i can achieve 60fps at 720p with threaded rendering with those overrides in confg-user.txt.

Remember, that those files are overwritten by updates!

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Today I managed to do a 1cc in Mystic Square :partying_face:

I had to use joy2key to bind Left Shift to a button and it worked well,

Anyway, normal rank, nothing too crazy, but it was fun! highly recommended game, kinda relaxing!

Due to the PC-98 resolution I end up playing in non-integer scaling and choose to use an xbrz 4 preset with no scanlines that I have, it was actually a good fit in this case! what do you think? what preset do you people use with PC-98?



Not sure, C64 version? With NTSC artifacts it looks so colorful!

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That’s the NES one, best version IMO.

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I forgot to udpate some shader paths inside “-no-scanlines” preset.

Here’s the fix: crt-royale-1080p-v13b


WoW! :star_struck: This is so soft! Please, share with us?

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Hi, it’s ‘Sharp-fxaa-core-slotmask’ from koko. I just brought down the sharpness a little and changed the scanlines phosphor height to look ok on a 800p screen


Love how gba games look like this


New release: crt-royale-1080p-v14

What’s new:

  • After some thought, I decided I should tone down the aperture grille masks as it was a bit strong when compared to a real CRT. The old strong mask presets were renamed to include the label “strong-mask” as I think some people still prefer that way;
  • Fixed a bug that happens when curvature is used;
  • Slotmask phosphor textures are now in BGR format so that it looks correct in RGB dusplays.

Castlevania-Symphony-of-the-Night-USA-230806-193253-231228-192951 0001-231228-184446 ssf2t-231228-182321

Slotmask BGR:

003538-231229-164941 003538-231229-164856 003538-231229-164846 003538-231229-164716 003538-231229-164618 003538-231229-164533 003538-231229-164433 003538-231229-164423 003538-231229-164347 003538-231229-164338 003538-231229-164327


Can you post the parameters?