Post Your Overlays!

made a small gender neuter overlay for neutering the black bars to a less extreme colour it works for playing 4:3 games on a 16:9 monitor

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Made a Nintendo 3DS overlay for the Citra core in side by side screen mode. The screenshot shows one of several variations on the theme included in the zip. This is my first try at making bezels and I’m really happy with the result, Please enjoy! 3DS Side by side

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Here’s a few work in progress overlays using Mega Bezel.


I am looking for a simple and realistic overlay for crt tv with integer scaling. can you make one? My screen resolution is 1080p.

Have you looked at Duimon-Mega-Bezel and Soqueroeu-TV-Backgrounds_V2.0-main?

Those packs have some great TV’s in, if you go into shader settings, you can adjust them to use interger scaling too!

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Whether you are looking for a standard overlay, or a preset for the Mega Bezel (As above.) I have a repo for both that contain a few CRT TVs.

Also night versions.

I release a standard overlay for every one of my Mega Bezel presets.


Love the TM20-17R - That’s a great looking PVM

Here is a cool repo I found GBA overlay

My dualshock 4 overlay. Link

Dragon Quest VI Super Famicom game-specific overlay (my first attempt at one of these)

Download Link

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Dragon Warrior/Quest VII PSX game-specific overlay

Download link



Download link for the Castlevania overlay is down :wink:

I’ve been loving all these wonderful bezels. Everyone is so creative. Thank you all.

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Hi all, first time post in this thread.

This is clean and good

Hello, I wanted to share my overlay, while it was mainly for PS2, PCSX2, LPRS2 but it can be used to any emulator simply by changing any emulator resolution to aspect ratio to 4:3

CRT TV Wild Arms 5 Theme CRT TV Wild Arms 5 with PS2 logo

CRT TV Wild Arms 5 Theme CRT TV Wild Arms 5 without PS2 logo

CRT TV Wild Arms 5 Theme CRT TV Wild Arms 5 with PS2 logo, joystick, & K.Blazer

Wild Arms 5 Theme Wild Arms 5 with padding

Wild Arms 5 Theme Wild Arms 5 without padding

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My Famicom overlay.


Very nice!

If you don’t mind my advice. . . you could tweak the reflection corner rotation just a hair.

Again. . . very, very nice. Do you plan on adding any other systems, and maybe create a distribution?

I think the community would welcome your contribution.