PS Vita Nightly Discussion Thread

Just wish the VirtualBoy Core would get more functional. The Vita should be able to run it with little to no Issues.

Is there any difference between the GPD XD and the Vita GPU/CPU ? XD Runs it perfectly.

The newest nightly on the Vita Homebrew app (2019-05-07) only has 3 cores.

I just started using RetroArch on my Vita and I’m new to it in general. I cant, for the life of me, get any cores to download. I’ve followed countless forum posts and watched tutorials but nothing seems to work. I thought updating the config file would fix the problem, but under the Vita nightly url I don’t see any emulator cores even available for download. Anyone know what’s going on?

Hi. What is the best way to build your arcade library? Each arcade rom of my works with a different core. And, when a game fails to start, I need to reset all the arcade core association. Is possible to link by game?

Hi, I’ve posted about this issue on the subreddit but have received no answers.

I’m using the nightly of the gpSP core, but it’s not autosaving. This does not affect any other core I have tried.

With an USB HDD mounted as ux0 on my PS TV I’ve got FF1&2 saving normally. Same with my Vita 1000 and SD2Vita.

How recent is the version you’re using? I obtained mine on November 13th.

The one from the 17th I believe. There were two busted 245K builds right after it. gpSP v0.91 5afe4c2 is the build number.

Could you upload just your gpSP core? Don’t really have internet at the moment, but downloading 2 MB would be better than almost 200 MB.

Edit: I managed to obtain the November 25th build, and the issue persists.

Hello! im sorry im not sure where to go if this is the wrong spot, but i have the retroarch installed on th eps vita and my only issue is i have no audio on any games i start.

Hello retroarch Devs

Your works is excellent and First, I would t like o escuse my self about last time. It’s not cool for me to push people on free working project and I want to tell you to Thanks you about all your team for work on it for us ! Retrogamer !

I have somes questions about futur psvita port.

My first, now we get with Frangarcj the filter access and psvshell running get cool performance on PSVita, is it possible to make an option like switch to overclocking the cpu ?

My second is for the new snes 9x core for psvita ? MSU1 emulation is not possible with other cores and far est of eden zero is not playable… Can you compil it on the next nightly ?

For touch screen is it available with Retroarch like duck hunt or mario paint ?

And Is it possible to test Yabasanshiro on PSVita for 2d rom like castlevania or dragon force ? Yabause is so fat… And I think is a good way to run Sega Saturn with ARM of PS Vita.

Thank you very much devs, and if you want bêta tester I m here with 3g PHAT model.

And have you an discord or telegram Group public ?

Once again Thank you and I m sorry for last time, I love you Retroarch :heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes: !

This is probably not the correct place to post this but I’m a new user and can’t figure out how to start a new thread. There is an issue in the new builds of RetroArch for the PSVita, not sure if this started at 1.8.2 or 1.8.3, but was not an issue with 1.8.1. The retroarch.cfg file contains the line

menu_enable_widgets = “true”

if this is set to “false” RetroArch will crash at startup. This can be an issue for people who are upgrading to the latest version if that is how the option was previously set.

am using PSV and run this software perfectly. the only question is how to swtich between games rather restart it?

Is there away to make runahead compatible with the psvita? This feature causes the audio to get all wonky

Think I may have been using the wrong bundle version, just copying the latest version across now…

Hello, i’m using Retroarch 1.9.0 and tried several nightlies on my PS Vita, several cores crashes completely Retroarch, like FBA 2012, Stella, Stella 2014 and Picodrive (trying 32x roms), and i must delete Retroarch.cfg to have it working again.

HI, the Build bot for PSVita is broken since mid november. Cores like FB Alpha 2012, MAME 2000, MAME 2003 and Stella closes the app and breaks the config file.

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I just got Retroarch on my Vita and I seem to be missing a lot of menu options and can’t figure out how to add them. I can’t add cores through the Updater and I also can’t change the background or anything.

Any help?

The online updater isn’t available for Vita, AFAIK. For the backgrounds, what menu is it using? (settings > driver > menu) Only the ‘xmb’ menu can do a lot of the fancier background stuff, though RGUI has some themes and stuff of its own that are nice.