
“An error occurred. Please reset.”

Thank you for the translation.

Are there any common issues or things to check when trying to use HDF images on this core? DIM files load OK on the same setup.

The same HDF file does boot up when I tried it with XM6 (2.06 I believe) in Windows, so I feel like I am missing a step somewhere. I am using RetroPie to launch RA and the file/core from command line.

be sure your hdf is in SASI format, SCSI one are not supported with this core. Also be sure (hit F12) that you don"t have some fdd set , if yes unset same and reset using the gui.

you can use diskexplorer to open it and see if they are Human68k HDD or SCSI. http://www.gamesx.com/wiki/doku.php?id=x68000:x68000

Thanks for the tips. I am 99% sure it was SASI format already as when I tested it on XM6 in Windows I had set the HDD as a SASI drive there. Also made sure no FDD was set. But I will retest hopefully tonight or over the weekend.

Thanks also for the link, I do have diskexplorer but this site looks like a good resource to learn more and will keep trying to get this working!

I tried with last windows x86_64 px68k core with wine and i was able to load my hdf disk.

It worked for me recently too on win7 as I launched almost every game on the system to make those thumbnails.
Some hdd that float around aren’t working in emulators, some other ones are not bootable and you need to launch them with a bootable floppy (human68k_xx in Mame SL set).

I just tried a second Windows 64-bit PC, this one a laptop running Windows 8.1 and have the same issue with the core crashing RetroArch whenever I try to load an HDF file. DIM files worked fine on both. I kept the test process very simple, both of these PCs had never had RA installed previously.

Here is what I have done to replicate the issue:

  • Download the current stable (1.6.7) RetroArch windows x64 installer and install it.

  • From within RA download the latest px68k core (build b716d4f)

  • Add BIOS files to the ‘system/keropi’ folder

  • Add a few sample ROMs in DIM and HDF format to the ‘downloads’ folder

  • From RetroArch’s frontend load the PX68K core, then load a DIM rom for Content to confirm it is working (it does load normally).

  • Second test is to load RA, load the PX68K core, then load an HDF file. (I confirmed that all FDD entries in the system/keropi/config file were blank to make sure it was actually loading the HDF and not a previous FDD). RA crashes with the following error:

I can certainly provide logs if you think it would be useful. I didn;t see any obvious errors when I checked it.

The only real variables are the BIOS and HDF files - Could there be a problem with the BIOS file and would that cause the entire program to crash? The same HDF file does load using the XM6 emulator and is a SASI image so I’m less inclined to think the HDF file is corrupt, but maybe it could still work on some emulators but not others if it is corrupt?

Does the core support mouse input?

Yes, you just need to have “Joy/Mouse” on “Mouse” in the F12 menu.


hello Guys, is it possible px68 core compatible with retroarch for PS VITA ?

Hello, I’m trying to modify this core to switch resolution “on the fly” (for a raspberry pi usage). I will post my result if it finally work. Actually, I can switch resolution inside the core by getting retrow and retroh value when changed (reported by fbset and tvservice) but the screen remain desesperatly black. I think problem comes from retroarch video system that may need to be restarted. Anyone as any clue for doing this ? Thanks

why would you want to switch the resolution? the biggest this core uses is 800x600 from what i remember which most monitors should be capable of displaying.

black screen? do you even hear the game playing? or see the menu when pressing F12?

I want to use the real game resolution. Raspberry is able to output low res that can be used on CRT display. For example bubble bobble use two resolutions in game : 256x256 and 256x224. I want the core to be able to switch between both.

And to answer your question, yes, I can hear the game running but neither the game image is displayed, neither the menu.

im not sure what you wanted to do but the core already is able to switch(or resize) when it changes resolution (through update_geometry()) like most other core does.

Well, for example, if you start retroarch with your video output at 320x240 it will remain at this resolution during all game. While game run at 256x224 or 256x256, it will result on a dirty stretch. If it was possible to switch video output to the real resolution there will be no stretch and a perfect result on a crt.

Can you use a superwide horizontal resolution on the RPI? this will take care of this issue instantly.

What is the sequence to launch Genocide 2 please ? I start with disk 1 (System) and disk 2 (Data 1) in Drive 0 and Drive 1 , then I have a message to insert Data Disk 2, (I think its Disk 3) but nothing happen when I do this. Have I to put Disk 3 in Drive 1 or in Drive 0 ? And I have to let the Disk System in Drive 0, right ?

Thanks for any help

Usually you swap FD1 not FD0. I’ve confirmed that is the case with Genocide 2. When it asks for Data Disk B, insert your disk labelled “(Disk 3 of 4)(Data 2)” in FD1 and then close the menu with F12/L2 and the game will continue to the menu screen. @hostile1975

In other news, I have been working on some QOL improvements to this core. initially based on the changes @ptitSeb did for the Pandora port. I’ll push my changes soon, still working on some nice little things.

So far:

Version 0.15++

  • menu translated into English
    • clarified some settings options
  • better file list
    • sorted alphabetically, folders first followed by files (@ptitSeb)
    • left/right to jump 8 items at a time (@ptitSeb)
    • hold R2 for high speed browsing (@ptitSeb, @gingerbeardman)
    • directory traversal now remembers history
    • directories are grey and files are white
    • files starting with . or $ are now hidden
    • increased maximum size of file list
  • disks no longer persist between launches
    • there’s a new menu option to enable this if you really miss it
  • auto frame skip now default (@ptitSeb)
  • fixed some small bugs (@ptitSeb)

Thanks for your reply Matt. I did this, but when I close the X68000 menu with F12, nthing happen. I will try with another version of the game

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@hostile1975 how are you getting on with your disk swapping?