
It works, but I forgot what was the trick.

Anyway it’s an awful port that runs at a lower framerate.

Hi Acris, If I remember correctly, you have to wait the end of game’s intro, then on title screen, push right direction of joystick. You will enter the config menu, there you need to enable the last option (Sel Run) To have Music, you also need to enable FM Sound Then the start button should work

@hostile1975 thanks you a lot, it’s work.

Now living the dream and playing Sharp X68000.

I went and learned how to make .bat files, converting them to .exe files, hiding the console window to launch games without even having to enter Retroarch. Loading m3u files for multi-disk games has also made life easy.

It almost seems like having a Sharp X68000 PC for real!

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I just wanted to make some notes about scaling with specific reference to Nintendo 3DS

  • 800×240 top screen (400×240 in 3D mode)
  • 320×200 bottom screen

The interesting thing here is that we could use the 800 pixels as double the horizontal resolution, meaning some graphics modes would be displayable in higher fidelity than otherwise.

Correct X68k aspect ratio means horizontal stretch of 1.375 to get corrected resolution AFAIK.

Sharp X68k res Aspect corrected 3DS scaling factor Scaled resolution 3DS output Notes
256×240 352×240 1.0×1.0 352×240 352×240
256×256 352×256 1.0×1.0 352×256 352×240 V-crop
512×240 704×240 1.0×1.0 704×240 704×240
512×256 704×256 1.0×1.0 704×256 704×240 V-crop
512×512 704×512 0.5×0.5 352×256 352×240 V-crop
640×480 880×480 0.5×0.5 440×240 400×240 H-crop
768×512 1056×512 0.5×0.5 528×256 400×240 V-crop
1024×1024 1408×1024 0.25×0.25 352×256 352×240 V-crop

From: https://github.com/libretro/px68k-libretro/issues/38#issuecomment-381348271

Darknior said:

WOOAAAWWW !!! to rad all you make for this emulator <3 I love the x68000 and have a fantastic best of set that come from my old xBox where we can play x68000 perfectly from some years. Now i’m on PI3 and i really want to port my pack to it :slight_smile: This libretro is really a chance for us …

With your future change and US menu, do you think it will be possible to play all the x68000 games ? It can really be a dream :slight_smile: http://www.theisozone.com/downloads/xbox/emulators/sharp-x68000-emuxtras/ http://www.emuxtras.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=64&t=2226&start=90

I see a few different things:

  1. games: they should all work, barring support for mouse-only games (why I am working on MouseKey)
  2. box art: yes, like this
  3. Xtras notes: would need to be converted to another format for display

So it would be OK to bring your pack across, and we have talked about something similar further up this thread. If you are interested and have time and desire, you could be the person to create the RetroArch X68000 database: https://github.com/libretro/libretro-database and I would be happy to help and advise you with this task.

I understand you update the menu of the emulator and not the Libretro CORE options because the LR menu is really small and not really upgradable. It’s the problem for all the computers like AMIGA and others …

I want to add some/all options from the F12 PX68K emulator menu options to the RetroArch “core options” menu.

BUT, do you think it will be possible to link some of them to LR engine to use this emulator like others, like the SNES for exemple. To let us using SAVESTATE with HOTKEY, REWIND, FAST FORWARD, etc …

Yes, fast forward at least should be able to be hooked up. Savestate should be possible. These are now on my list of things to do. I’ll do them after I push my current changes.

And like on AMIGA with UEA files let us creating config file for each games if there is something special with it?

Config files: with Amiga there are many more options than X68K, but I think what you mean is if we could support for RetroArch “game overrides” (save settings per game). I’ll take a look.

Also, you can create .m3u files that contain a list of disks, the first two are mounted and the rest sit in a list that can be cycled through using the retroarch “disk swap” key.

So, as you can see… lots to do!

Any way to get MIDI working?

I have tried “Nemesis '90 Kai” and “Akumajou Dracula” and in those games I see options like MT-32, CM-32L, CM-64, SC-55, SC-33, SC-135, CM-300, CM-500.

But selecting anything but internal will get muted background music.

Nope, that’s not supported by that emulator.

Hello @Tatsuya79 @r-type do you think it’s possible to add netplay function like others cores ?

It would need to have save states first.

Is this core on development or shall I put my hopes down for new features?

Would :two_hearts: to see MIDI, save states and rewind-support in newer updates :yum:

just keep going with the suggestions, probably post in github page too. someone might pick it up. a bounty would also help attract some more help

with the latest version of the core i can’t clear stage 2 in akumajou dracula, everytime i reach the part with the raft it disappears out from under me as soon as i strike the lion head statue. anyone else experiencing this problem? i’ve played through the entire game before sometime within the past year so i know it worked properly at some point, i may try and git-bisect it later when i have the time but i’d like to verify the problem exists for others before i waste any time looking into it.

the problem shouldn’t be related to either the bios or game files as i’ve verified both the bios roms (iplrom.dat, cgrom.dat, and iplrom30.dat) and the game images (dim’s) all match hashes from both MAME and TOSEC. i even tried an xdf version, it made no difference.

dont think the core has been updated since apr14. was this section of the game worked before? what version are you using? i mean is this an fdd dump or hdr

when i said the past year i mean’t within the past 365 days or so from today, not within just 2018. sorry if that wasn’t clear. I’m using floppy images, as stated I’m only using known good dumps, however just loading the games with px68k does modify the image files, though every time I’ve checked for the bug I’ve recreated them from fresh copies.

let me play this quickly. i do remember getting past this raft

@e-tank hmm weird… im sure i had no issues in this area before. i managed to work it once, and then each succeding tries this raft disappears…

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although i failed to mention it i also was able to get it to work once as well on the latest version, but like 9/10 tries (far more often than not) it doesn’t appear and you just fall to your death. thanks for the verification, as i said I’ll try and run a git-bisect (when i have time) between the last commit and one from 365 days ago

I had it happen repeatedly on android a while back, then it didn’t happen and I could go stage 3.
I tried it again on a windows PC and it wasn’t happening at all.
So it’s a bit random, not sure if it’s platform specific.

looks like a problem with the cpu used. i managed to find my old repo of px68k with the original cpu it came with and it worked fine 10/10.

what platform are you using? i can compile for windows and linux 64bit maybe you check.

EDIT: well, i just compile new core for linux/win x64 maybe you can try if this does work better or not…

the machine i’m testing on is fedora 27, so vanilla linux x86_64 + glibc, nothing fancy or out of the ordinary.

i’ve done a lot of testing and i believe it’s due to cpu timing issues. i’ve found the raft is less likely to disappear the higher the cpu clock speed is set. at 10 mhz with the current 68k cpu core (or even the version from the initial libretro commit), in my tests the raft disappears more often than not. with the core you posted at 10 mhz i got the raft to disappear only once out of about 10 attempts. perhaps at this point in time it would be a good idea to change the default cpu speed of the core to 16 mhz from 10, at least until improvements can be made to the accuracy of its timings.

also, for anyone who wants to test this i’d suggest racking up points for extra lives on the first stage via killing loads of fleamen behind the breakable wall, preferably with holy water for huge multiplier bonus. then at the raft kill yourself each time it appears successfully to try again in order to help determine your rate of success.