RA 1.3 Wii/GCN Bug reports

Hi, I could not find a sticky for the latest stable build 1.3.

This is what I found so far regarding FBA. In the arcade game " filename Turtles 2, Konami ( remake on snes, named turles in time an that system ) I found the level Neon Nightriders ins unplayable, the sprites are uncontrollable on the bottom of the screen. The game cannot be completed becuase of this bug I think. Hopefully there will be a fix.

If a save state is needed, I can supply it.

Also I cannot seem to get PCE CD to work, has something changed or is it broken?

Thank you so much for RA, but I keep wondering why the Stella ( atari2600 ) and Prosystem ( atari 7800 ) core aren’t releases with current build.

When I run Samurai Shodown 2 with NeoGeo core, some effect sound are distorted. The typical example is sound for warning sound that you have low hp. I guess the old version ( or 1.1) have no problem.

Can’t redefine keys on a wired original GameCube pad. I select a button to redefine and it says ‘[A button (right)] press keyboard or joypad (timeout 4 seconds)’ I then cannot register any key presses.

Realy bad experience with this version. Playing Chrono Trigger w/ snes 9x next core: ‘close content’ or ‘quit retroarch’ freezes the Wii. Also, save state leads to black screen crash with garbled white writing. Even though I had used the internal save function of the game first the former crash sent me back to a previois save game amd I lost a couple of hours progress.

I cannot boot any PCE CD games anymore in 1.3 stable. Also stable versions for Wii/GC are offline and not available in the Repo any more in this forum.

Gamecube controller doesn’t work. Buttons cant be mapped.

Some video settings don’t save. is still there, you just have to hit the back arrow a few times.

I have yet to try 1.3, but assuming it hasn’t changed much from the nightlies, there’s probably little point in switching from Sorry to sound like a defeatist here, but it’s pretty clear that Retroarch Wii is on life support at this point. Current versions are gonna need some serious debugging to dethrone, and I just don’t see that happening (despite the Wii being a great, cheap way to emulate games).

No point going back to the pain of resolution not saving; at least use -this- mod of that adds resolution forcing via the config, the SNES core is changed so that GC input takes priority if present, so you don’t have to turn off wiimote to use it. The configs are already set up except you have to update the paths. Keep a backup of your current setup in case you wish to revert.

@SuperrSonic Do you still have the source for that? If so, you can always compile new cores against the old RA codebase to get (most) core improvements and new cores.

Yeah, there’s a mix of that. I’ll upload the source later, this is really a backup of an old setup I had available. Noticed I’m wrong about the snes9x build it doesn’t have the GC controller workaround and still requires turning off the wiimote, will update when I get the chance.

EDIT: Updated link:

-Added source. -Added an alternate gx_input_joypad.c, that prioritizes the GC controller. -Changed GC controller’s L/R from full press to half press. -Changed default axis_threshold to 0.1, this doesn’t really matter since you can change it to whatever in the config or with RGUI. -Included an extra snes9x_next compiled with the alternate gx_input_joypad.c

Resolution saving doesn’t seem to work in 1.3 stable, on snes9x next core at least. Reverts to 640x480 no matter what.

2 questions:

  1. Does the Wii support snes9x vanilla or is it too slow?

  2. at 512x224 resolution I have to change the audio latency to 32 or else it’ll “skip.” Are there any ill effects to changing this setting?

[QUOTE=jmckutchin;33706]Resolution saving doesn’t seem to work in 1.3 stable, on snes9x next core at least. Reverts to 640x480 no matter what.

2 questions:

  1. Does the Wii support snes9x vanilla or is it too slow?

  2. at 512x224 resolution I have to change the audio latency to 32 or else it’ll “skip.” Are there any ill effects to changing this setting?[/QUOTE]

Resolution saving was removed again for the sake of stability. This was confirmed by the main developer of RA. It may be brought again once the resolution changing gets properly implemented. It requires a lot of work. Yes, I have used the snes9x core and it runs fine with most of the roms. I don’t know about the other question.

I’m fully convinced that with netux79’s help (who has been helping me before with some of the RA Wii work), we can bring the current version of RA Wii up to the level again where will no longer be needed. (and it really should be obsoleted over time since it is unlikely to survive the upcoming API bumps in the future when we get to libretro v2).

But I can’t stress it enough how much collaboration and help is not only welcome but necessary. Just pointing out issues alone is not enough, and so far all of the feedback and help aside from a few people who have contributed in code (like netux79 and ToadKing) has amounted to that.

Again, nobody can say I am not trying. I even asked ekeeke directly if he could maybe contribute to RA Wii. I am really trying here. But if people don’t want to do it then I can’t exactly force them to. As for my own take on the lack of participation, I thought there would have been more participation in these console scenes and that more people would have been likely to help since they could see that we are intent on supporting platforms long after they’re dead, but I guess this was wishful thinking and that all the talk about dedication is just that - talk. I can’t do this all by myself and I am already dedicating myself 24/7 to RA activities. I don’t know how much more anybody could expect at this point. It is already an impossible daily workload that is unlikely to last forever.

All the same, let’s stay positive. I am sure we can get most of the issues plugged but I can’t stress enough how much I need help here.

I have to admit, I was pleasantly surprised with 1.3 in the brief time I tested it. It seems to be much more stable than 1.2 and its subsequent releases.

Unfortunately, I can’t do much more than point out issues. I’m no coder, and have no inclination to learn at this point in my life. Thank you for trying, no matter the outcome.

I’m liking 1.3 a lot. I haven’t really hit any issue that has made me want to go back to just yet so it’s staying on my SD for now. I use it exclusively for the Final Burn Alpha cores so that narrows my test base a bit. The sizes of the FBA core dols are a little bit bigger that the versions which means a few roms will be squeezed off the compat list by virtue of RAM usage, but its a sacrifice probably worth it in the long run. I’m going to make a go at refreshing the FBA cores compatibility list to that effect. Controller response seems very good for me - Classic Controller Pro - and the autosetup is doing what it is supposed to. I have noticed maybe once or twice while playing a lot of Bomb Jack on FBA that my character kept moving every so slightly longer than I think it should have. Wondering is this the input stickiness bug I have seen people report.

Beerbarian, that sounds like the game is running too slow and taking input faster than it can use it, so the input is basically lagging behind the game until it can catch up to what it already received. I had the same thing happen to me with many games on a not-powerful-enough laptop, where it just couldn’t run many games well enough. Input would get lagged so bad I had to not press anything for a while and wait for the game to catch up. So that input stickiness sounds a lot like the Wii being a little too underpowered. Unless it’s happening in menus too.

I was very excited when I saw this. For some reason I can’t get anything but a black screen (and have to turn off the Wii by holding the power button) if I use the included configs, even after changing the paths.

If I delete all the configs then the Retroarch you included starts just fine. The problem is then gambette (the core I’m most concerned about right now and only one tested) won’t remember resolution, only the aspect ratio.

I have a CRT (so it’s 4:3 of course). The Wii is set to 4:3 too. Could that have anything to do with why your configs give a black screen even after changing the paths? Is there some other setting I might be able to change to make them work?

In case this info helps: It’s not just retroarch.cfg that’s causing the black screen. If I remove all the configs, let retroarch make a default config, and then put your gambette config back (with paths changed of course). Retroach will still start, but loading the gambette core causes a black screen that needs to hold the power button to turn off the Wii.

Edit: I also have everything on SD, but I don’t know any reason that would matter.

I’m sorry to be bugging you about this. I’m just so confused why it isn’t working.

I’ll confess right now that I haven’t tested 1.3 on the Wii yet due to many reasons, this week being pretty busy being part of the reason why, that and my experiences with 1.2.2 not being favorable, but it’s entirely my fault. That being said, today I’ll move my Wii to my computer room (and up to my PC monitor via HDMI, which I’ve fone before). What this will do is allow me to easily access video inputs, switching between the computer and console as I test things outs. I understand you guys are swamped, and that is the “perfect” version (which is somewhat true, but it’s not without its own issues). Having said that, I want to help make GitHub reports as necessary as that’s the more efficient way of reproducing and reporting bugs. I just need to know what it is I’m testing, how thoroughly it needs to be tested, how to reproduce it, and so forth. I feel bad because I haven’t been as diligent in bug reporting as I could or should be, but it’s crunch time and if other users aren’t doing something, then I will. I’ll be damned if I sit idly by and others aren’t going to be assertive about, you know?

Though I noticed something odd about Kirby’s Dream Land 3 on the original Wii Virtual Console, so obviously that game emulates pseudo hi-res Mode 7 (for the foliage, underwater, etc scenes), and obviously used some speed hacks to get it running on the underpowered hardware. I’m curious if Snes9x Next can achieve the same game-specific speed hack on the Wii. Just a thought.

[QUOTE=gravity;33818]I was very excited when I saw this. For some reason I can’t get anything but a black screen (and have to turn off the Wii by holding the power button) if I use the included configs, even after changing the paths.

If I delete all the configs then the Retroarch you included starts just fine. The problem is then gambette (the core I’m most concerned about right now and only one tested) won’t remember resolution, only the aspect ratio.

I have a CRT (so it’s 4:3 of course). The Wii is set to 4:3 too. Could that have anything to do with why your configs give a black screen even after changing the paths? Is there some other setting I might be able to change to make them work? [/QUOTE]

Some things you should know about those builds, 240p support is bugged in retroarch, so it’s bugged in every core, when I was looking for workarounds to this I disabled video mode detection to be forced from the config and left it that way. The configs in the dl are set to progressive scan, therefore you must change it with a text editor. Look for “ps = true” and change it to false. Video resolutions are not saved, they are now read from the cfg only, look for "vres = " Where 0 is the lowest in the resolution list(512x192p) and 38 is the highest and default(640x480). It’s a terrible system but all I care about is not having to mess with it once it’s set.

When a game has special needs I make a channel forwarder that boots to that game with its own specific settings. If you start retroarch in 240p it may work but is very easy for it to crash and make everything look wrong and slow requiring a console restart.

I really doubt that, and you should too. The Virtual Console version of KDL3 isn’t based on SNES9x, it’s programmed completely different.

[QUOTE=SuperrSonic;33845]Some things you should know about those builds, 240p support is bugged in retroarch, so it’s bugged in every core, when I was looking for workarounds to this I disabled video mode detection to be forced from the config and left it that way. The configs in the dl are set to progressive scan, therefore you must change it with a text editor. Look for “ps = true” and change it to false. Video resolutions are not saved, they are now read from the cfg only, look for "vres = " Where 0 is the lowest in the resolution list(512x192p) and 38 is the highest and default(640x480). It’s a terrible system but all I care about is not having to mess with it once it’s set.

When a game has special needs I make a channel forwarder that boots to that game with its own specific settings. If you start retroarch in 240p it may work but is very easy for it to crash and make everything look wrong and slow requiring a console restart.

I really doubt that, and you should too. The Virtual Console version of KDL3 isn’t based on SNES9x, it’s programmed completely different.[/QUOTE]

I know it’s different, but there has to be some kind of speed hacks involved, Snes VC isn’t all that accurate to be honest, they don’t even contain the Super FX code, I’m just trying to see what, if anything, more can be done to speed up the game a bit more is all.

[QUOTE=beerbarian;33768]I’m liking 1.3 a lot. I haven’t really hit any issue that has made me want to go back to just yet so it’s staying on my SD for now. I use it exclusively for the Final Burn Alpha cores so that narrows my test base a bit. The sizes of the FBA core dols are a little bit bigger that the versions which means a few roms will be squeezed off the compat list by virtue of RAM usage, but its a sacrifice probably worth it in the long run. I’m going to make a go at refreshing the FBA cores compatibility list to that effect. Controller response seems very good for me - Classic Controller Pro - and the autosetup is doing what it is supposed to. I have noticed maybe once or twice while playing a lot of Bomb Jack on FBA that my character kept moving every so slightly longer than I think it should have. Wondering is this the input stickiness bug I have seen people report.[/QUOTE]

Did you get PCE CD games to work?

BTW the things you mention about 1.3 aren’t new opposed to 1.2. And yes this is the sticky button bug you are experiencing.

So for my bug report: PCE CD games do not work. This core is broken since 1.2 ( fine in )

Teenage mutant ninja turles 2 FBA arcade game is broken from the level “neon city riders”( snes remake is turles in time for reference game )

Has the neogeo pocket core been fixed?

The mame core is missing?