RA not detecting MicroSD on GPD XD and not detecting PS3 Joystick Mode

Just Updated RetroArch on my GPD XD and find the SD Card is no longer being seen. Under GPD XD, I have to go through mnt/external_sd/ My Rom Directory Locations But for some reason, I get to External_SD and it just shows data/ Nothing

Also the GPD has 2 Controller Mode Settings for compatibility for different Games/Emus. It has no problem with XBox360 Mode, but the Directional Buttons do not work in the Menu, only the Joystick. But PS3 Mode, nothing works. It detects it, but nothing works.

Mine works fine in PS3 mode, but I can confirm the same issue with the default XBox360 mode. Probably just needs an autoconfig file generating, this might be something I can do myself.

EDIT: Hang on, are you saying you could read from /mnt/external_sd in previous versions? I thought you could, but dismissed it after reading this thread (http://libretro.com/forums/showthread.php?t=5648) which would suggest that this has never worked.

It detects that it is PS3 Mode on mine, even shows the Config Loaded, but I cant do anything. No Buttons Work. I can Load Recent Files, but when I try and run from something I want to select from the MicroSD Card it doesnt show it.
There should be more Folders
This is Internal Storage
Internal Again
What MicroSD should contain

I have a gpd xd and everything goes fine in last update 1.3.4. Controls work fine in ps3 mode pf this device and i can access microsd without issues. I am using my firmware for this device (legacy ROM), but should be the same with stock firmware. Perhaps you csn try a clean install of last update, though i didn’t needed. I just installed over my previous nightly and no problems at all. I have my roms and isos in a folder called roms in my microsd and then subfolders according to the device. For example, for fba core , my path is mnt/external_sd/roms/fba

Everything works fine for me in the gpd xd. Controls work perfect using ps3 mode. And no problems accesing my microsd. Perhaps you csn try a clean install. I am using my firmware(legacy ROM) but it should be ok in stock firmware too. So everything is ok in gpd xd, except xbox mode that never worked, but no problem using ps3 mode of the device.

AWESOME!!! That worked perfectly. Now have the new and CURRENT Menu System. Love the PS3 XMB Emulation for it :smiley: PS3 Mode works now. Also, XBox Mode works, but only with the Joysticks only. No Directional Buttons Still can not access my MicroSD Card GPD XD info: Version 4.4.4 Build Number: XD-EN-NON-V3.4.2-KTU84Q-20160125.102825

Also, I have a Cheat File from RDragon in a .db File. Wario Land has 2 Codes CT: Infinite Time CC: 0-00087AA-00B0

CT: Infinite Lives CC: 0-00087A4-0009 How would one try and put them to use in RA?

I have no problems accesing microSD either. Everything works fine in my GPD XD. I also have a similar device (GPD Q9) and seems to work fine too.

I ran into the same problem with the microsd. Weirdly it can see my bios folder on the card but not the roms folder. I tried formatting the card and copying everything back but that didn’t work. I was able to get it working by formatting as Fat32 instead of ExFat. Not a solution I’m terribly happy with, but it worked.

Yeah before the Update, there was no problem accessing the MicroSD. My Nvidia Shield has no Problem since it comes up as different SD Cards. Shield comes up as Internal Storage/SD Card. I even tried Renaming the MSD but that did not work. When in the GPD XD, both come up as SD Card

Edit: Just Noticed something on my HTC One M9: When you go to Select Content and you look through the Root Directory, you see 2 Different SDCards. Shows SDCard and SDCard2. RA Should just make that a Standard Selection.

In the settings tab go to the option menu file browser and turn off the filter, then try to go again to your sd card in retroarch and check if it sees your roms.

Nope. Still cant Detect my SDCard. Here is what it should look like mnt/external_sd/For Emulators/ Roms Directory Based on Emu/Rom However this is what I can only find mnt/external_sd/ -> Data is the ONLY Folder Shown. All other Emus work fine

Edit: Yeah…the GPD XD is a Special case I think. I tried looking through mnt/internal_sd/ and the Result was Directory not Found. LOL

I’m with the OP on this one. Just got a GPD XD and installed RA on it for the first time last night…the SD card is coming up completely empty. I can navigate to it and select it as a volume/folder but the contents are empty. Assuming it’s because of the way it’s formatted as mentioned above. Will try formatting a Fat32 card to see if that’s it.

Yeah. Thinking that might be the problem. Shield MicroSD is FAT32, but I have my GPD XD as exFAT. Might just have to do that after Backing up everything first.

Edit: Actually, it is not a Format Issue. My Note Pro has the MicroSD as exFAT. So it has to be something to do with the XD.

Yup. It is the GPD XD in some way. exFAT wont work, but I tested out a Blank Card I have, let the XD Format it, then ran RetroArch and it had no problems. Showed all the Folders in it that were made after it was done Formating. So yeah, might want to warn Users that some Devices might need Reformatting of the Cards if they are no longer accessible when they were before.

I just did a clean format of a card using SDFormatter and it’s being picked up by RA on the GPD XD so it’s all gotta do with formatting.

EDIT I take that back…the test I did was with a 4gb card. I just spent a chunk of time formatting a 128gb card and loading it back up (the original card I tried was a 64gb) and RA does not recognize the 128gb card. Wondering if there’s a size issue…

No. My Card on the XD is a 128GB (was exFAT, now FAT32) and my Note Pro has a 200GB (exFAT). Note Pro has no problems being Read y RA

I have no problems seeing microsd with the xd. I have a 128gb formatted in fat32 AMD no issues at all.

The gpd xd has no issues with ra seeing the microsd. Maybe it’s your device. Mine work perfect with my 128gb microsd in fat32.

It seems more a problem of your device or your card. Mine has no issues with my 128gb card. Try chaging your firmware. I use my legacyrom and works perfect with retroarch.

Eh - it’s not the card or device. The card works perfectly fine straight up with standalone Emus on the XD as well as with RA on a Win tablet.

And it works perfectly fine in my gpd xd, so i don’t think it’s an issue with the gpd xd.