Hi everyone. I am using latest RA (v 1.9.0, built on 17 Jan 2021) on an iPad mini with iOS 9.3.5 with Phoenix JB. I am trying to run Final Fantasy VII but unfortunately it keeps randomly crashing on “scene changes”, i.e.
- when entering a battle, sometimes crash;
- when exiting a battle, sometimes crash;
- when changing from on scenario to another, sometimes crash.
I’m starting the game from the beginning and I can’t play for more than 2 minutes before a crash occours.
All bios present and recongized by RA (scph5500, scph5501, scph5502).
I know this must be something specific to the core I am using (the only one I have available: PCSX ReARMed (r22 d56340b - which I also the latest) but I was wondering if someone has any insight on this problem.
I enabled the log to file in RA with “debug” sensitivity, they get created but with no content (0 bytes files) so I am completely lost.
Thank you!!!