Reicast and Redream not loading (ubuntu0

I had to redo my arcade because my last pc went out on me. I know I have the bios setup correctly with the right md5sum off the reicast core info site. I was using Dreamcast reicast just fine on my last pc build with a few games not loading with redream. Now when I go to launch reicast it immediately just flashes a black screen then goes back to the Retroarch menu. When I choose redream it says it cannot load the core. I don’t know if something went wrong with this installation but I did have to copy over the auto config .txt files for all the controllers from my brothers pc that has retroarch working fine. So I tried to do a redownload and update without any game booting still. Any suggestions? Thanks!

edit, it should be noted everything else works fine with this fresh build including using psx and having this bios files loaded just fine.

Can you post a log? That’ll tell us more.

Thanks for the quick reply! Pretty new to the technical side but if you could let me know how to do it i’ll post it right up.

launch from a command line like this:

retroarch --verbose --log-file ~/log.txt

Then, paste the contents of that file somewhere like and then post a link here. Hope this worked, thanks!

that’s perfect.

Unfortunately, it appears that Reicast requires a higher GL level than your GPU provides:

[INFO] [GLSL]: Using GLSL version 130.
[INFO] Shader log: 0:1(10): error: GLSL 1.30 is not supported. Supported versions are: 1.10, 1.20, and 1.00 ES
[ERROR] Failed to compile vertex shader #0
[ERROR] Failed to link program #0.
[ERROR] GLSL stock programs failed to compile.

Okay, that’s actually an acceptable answer. I can find another cheap pc for my needs that is nicer than the one I was trying to use. Glad it was nothing I was doing wrong, thanks for the help!!

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