Reicast VMU saving and "Boot to BIOS"-Crash

I have a feeling these files only work until a certain date for some reason. The core hasn’t been updated for quite awhile.

Yeah, makes sense. About the core updates, what are those new builds that are compiled, aren’t those updates? I noticed that some cores don’t change versions, Reicast always stays in 0.1.

I think sometimes the buildbot is updated and all cores are built again even if there aren’t any new commits on github. At least all the cores that can be built.

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Makes sense as well, but it can also confuse people, I use the date to know if a core was updated, it’s basically the only thing I can keep track on.

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Here here! I thought the date was for sure updates and that it was because of the recent 1.5.0 version that so many changed.

Some actually had some cool updates.

For instance: PicoDrive now plays Star Wars - Arcade on 32X where before it gave broken graphics and made it unplayable… (Still doesn’t play the 32X version of Sonic 1 though :frowning: )

Reicast, something for sure changed because now I can play street fighter 3, whereas before it wouldn’t show the character’s sprites.