[Request] Swap "Yes" and "No" buttons in RetroArch GUI


In RA “B” button is “Yes” and “A” button is “No”. It looks like nothing special unless you remember it’s a 2015 and everybody using Xinput compatible devices where “B” (red button) is “No” and “A” (green button) is “Yes”. This scheme uses everywhere. In steam and every modern game that supports Xinput gamepads.

And in RA we have vise versa. So It’s really annoying. Yeah it can be changed in a menu but it ruins all other console input schemes which are depended from retropad config.

Please change it to the default scheme that uses in every software that are supports xinput.

YOUR joypad has the A and B swapped, it’s not retroarch fault. Take a look: http://wiki.libretro.com/index.php?title=RetroPad

In terms of button layout and functionality, the RetroPad is based on a PlayStation/Super Nintendo joypad

Open the cfg with a text editor and change menu_ok and menu_cancel?

It takes a little to get used to if you’re using a ds3/4 because in your head “x” should be yes. Just think of it as a snes controller and you’ll be ok.

Open the cfg with a text editor and change menu_ok and menu_cancel?

This has helped. Thanks.

In terms of button layout and functionality, the RetroPad is based on a PlayStation/Super Nintendo joypad

I don’t see any reason why it should be based on devices that aren’t used nova days.

It takes a little to get used to if you’re using a ds3/4 because in your head “x” should be yes. Just think of it as a snes controller and you’ll be ok.

Yeah I can get used to but I don’t want. As I said above: it just makes no sense to me to use none startart scheme while all others use de facto standart scheme.

So DualShock PS3 and PS4 is not used anymore? I didn’t know about that… Wii U joypad is wrong too, right?

New Nintendo 3DS has the buttons in the same way too…

Last time I checked the lowest button(the X, same placement as A on Xbox controller) on the Playstation controllers are used for confirm and the one to the right is cancel/back (The 0, same location as B on Xbox controller)… This has been like this since PS1 and xbox1

And yes, for me and all my friends that tried Wii U or Retroarch at my place thinks the controls are wrong and should be the opposite…

So what does this mean, are Retroarch or Wii U wrong, or are we wrong? Neither… nothing is the correct way, but its CLEARLY that many people are used to how Playstation, Xbox and Windows with Xbox controller works, and that it would be wise support that aswell.

Yeah I find it confusing at times too when moving from XBMC to RA or android menu to RA, it’s just the way RA was conceived neither is wrong.

If you missed my post above, Check the cfg file, look for menu_ok and menu_cancel and invert both values, done

[QUOTE=oleost;25948]Last time I checked the lowest button(the X, same placement as A on Xbox controller) on the Playstation controllers are used for confirm and the one to the right is cancel/back (The 0, same location as B on Xbox controller)… This has been like this since PS1 and xbox1 [/QUOTE]

The Japanase way is O to confirm and X to cancel (which matches with the retropad). Sony just swapped this in the occident.

You can argue which is right and which is wrong. At the end of the day Nintendo was around before Sony and Microsoft and chose to put b on the bottom and a to the right.

IMHO it doesn’t matter who was the first. The only matter who is now. Modern Nintendo consoles (whose which have a menu) aren’t as much as Sony and Microsoft all together. Yeah Japanese version of PlayStation uses opposite controls. But how much japanese people use RA compare to others?

If RA is EU/US oriented then is should use appropriate control scheme by default. Or at least have a menu to switch it easily. As an example to select preferable scheme in a first run menu.

I agree, it should be what people are used to today. I’ve been used to X being OK for years on PS3 (ps1 too) ad PC games.

We’re not particularly concerned with modern convention. We have ‘retro’ right in the title…

It’s one of those things where you’re never going to please everyone. It’s an arbitrary thing and we made the decision a long time ago. You can change it in the cfg if it bothers you that much, but anything more (e.g., a separate menu option) is going to require a patch/pull request because none of the devs are interested in changing it.

We’re not particularly concerned with modern convention. We have ‘retro’ right in the title…

Sure, but support retro-games doesn’t mean retro-everything :wink: Besides, you have such modern GUI :wink:

And to tell the truth this so called ‘modern menu navigation’ it’s so because I believe it starts from the first xbox. It’s the first console which had a menu. But desides of that even EU/US PS1+ consolses uses X (down button) for “Yes” for in-games menu navigation and even dialogs.

None of supported games contol depent from GUI. So changing menu navigation doesn’t ruin retro-gaming itself.

but anything more (e.g., a separate menu option) is going to require a patch/pull request because none of the devs are interested in changing it.

How it can be done? Do we (who are interested) have to organize some poll for that?

I leave it here just for educational purpose

I added a poll to see how people feel about the issue. The results may or may not sway anyone’s opinions to add a GUI option to change it, but I figured a poll would be fun :slight_smile:

What I meant before was that someone else will have to write a patch to configure it via the menu because none of the normal contributors care to do it, currently.

Personally, I don’t really have any problems with the current setup because I just ignored the whole thing recommending to map the face buttons in a certain directional relation to one another and simply mapped ABXY to the corresponding buttons on my Xbox controller. If a game doesn’t work with that setup, well, that’s what remaps are for.

However, I do find it rather goofy that the intended face button arrangement apes that of a SNES controller when it still uses A for confirm/primary action and B for cancel/secondary action, since SNES games almost never had it setup that way, instead using B as primary and Y as secondary, which I know the developers are already aware of because of how the remapping menu in RetroArch has B and Y as the first buttons on the remap controls list.

On a more productive note, I think the remap function could use a small change by moving the A and X buttons to be together with the B and Y buttons on the remap button list, rather than having them be separated by Start, Select and the D-pad directions, which seems like a rather needless complication to me.

This is especially an issue on Android TV devices like the Nvidia Shield. The control pad that comes with the system and that is used to navigate the Shield’s UI has one convention with the cancel and OK buttons, but they swap functionality in Retroarch.

I feel like there should be a GUI option to control this behaviour at a minimum, since “just edit a text file” is far from easy for typical users on these platforms that don’t have a keyboard and where Retroarch is distributed as an Android package.