Retroarch and Launchbox , Big problem Windows Volume

We don’t currently have the time to investigate this. Everything works fine on our end, as far as we can tell. Plus, we can’t see his source code but he can see ours, and none of us use Launchbox, so it’s going to be very time-consuming for us to even look into it. So, if someone wants to pin down the issue and preferably send a PR to fix it, we’ll merge it, but as far as we’re concerned nothing is broken.

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thankyou for reply , I hope you can talk to Jason C. dev of launchbox, since the combination Retroarch + Launchbox is amazing!

Solved! Switch input driver from Dinput to Raw :grin:


I know it seems a bit odd to ‘bump’ this thread, but it seems relevant to the problem I just ran into - and you mentioned how it is to pin down the issue. I thought a little more input could possibly help see where it’s coming from?

I did a fresh install the other night (of both Windows and the nightlies) and setup everything as I normally do. Since then however weird input actions have been occuring. For example, I have Mute, and Vol +/- media keys on my keyboard. Whenever I push one while in the menu it will toggle the FPS counter - which is particularly strange as there is ‘nothing’ mapped to that action in the hotkey menu. In-game I sometimes get a “null” message in the corner and the whole software locks up too when I push them.

There was also an issue where the desktop menu kept getting pulled up. Hard to describe, but I would hold select and push right trigger - at the time they were mapped to - and … but I could only recreate it pulling up desktop menu when doing it with all 4 of those inputs.

I also was having issues with tilde, where I could map it to fast forward, and the configuration saved - but it would not happen in-game. Verified it worked if I mapped it to F3, for example, so FF was functioning - just not tilde.

My point with all this is that switching input to “raw” fixed ALL of it… but that’s not anything I’ve ever had to do before. I don’t know if any of this is helpful in tracking down the ‘maybe’ issue that’s going on here… but I figured I’d throw this all in here on the off chance.

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