RetroArch Android releases (v1.0.0.2)

Report what keycode the ‘back button’ sends - otherwise I can’t add it.

There is NO MENU right now other than the overlay menus - a non-menu overlay will be added shortly.

Well it is pad0:4 but, actually it worked on last version, now it does not quit game but act like the pad circle button, same code, it isn t differenciated anymore (remember the zeus pad you love so much :wink: )

Hi square, first of all THANX for your great work, I was following your project on ps3 with the fba emulator it was so great to play those arcade games with friends! now I see you also ported this to android which is unbelievable to me seriously big respect to you, everything is working like a charm even psx games!

anyway i occured some bugs with the fba core: i tried irem games but none are working… and is there a way to play demon front on retroarch?

Encore merci pour tout! Thx again for all!

Does anyone else notice an issue with the colour palette in Nestopia?

For example in TMNT 3 - stage 3 the background colour of the bridge looks purple when it is suppose to be red. (PS3)

Hi there,

Is there any way to configure each core?  Would be awesome to do it directly from the phone.  For instance, pcsx_rearmed has lots of options to play with.  Like the double resolution feature. 

BTW, I have played the pcsx_rearmed emu on a classic pandora, running at 800 Mhz, and I have to say it runs better than a dual-core 1Ghz phone. Is that normal? Both devices use similar cpus (Cortex A8 vs Cortex A9) so NEON optimizations are being used. Is the OS making such noticeable difference?

Welcome to Android sucking ass.

If you want an example of what I am talking about - read my post on this forum thread -

So yeah, it’s perfectly normal that your (comparatively weak) Pandora takes a much higher specced phone/tablet running Android to the cleaners. Hell, my Gamecube (a GAMECUBE - not even a Wii - a GAMECUBE) can take my Cortex A8 Android tablet to the cleaners as evidenced by the tests I’ve ran.

Google is new to this entire ‘high performance embedded systems’ thing, and it painfully shows. Both Blackberry and Apple do a much better job with QNX and iOS respectively.

Oh, that sucks. Well at least I hope cyanogenmod will make things a bit better, and I didn’t buy the phone just for gaming. But I really hope google (or someone else in a custom rom) can ‘fix’ those terrible issues.

Thanks anyway for working on bringing those great emulators to all of us and for FREE ;).

BTW, I can see there are some cores missing? Like pocketsnes, bsnes, bnes and gpsp? Are you planning on adding those later?


Oh, that sucks. Well at least I hope cyanogenmod will make things a bit better, and I didn’t buy the phone just for gaming. But I really hope google (or someone else in a custom rom) can ‘fix’ those terrible issues.

Thanks anyway for working on bringing those great emulators to all of us and for FREE ;).

BTW, I can see there are some cores missing? Like pocketsnes, bsnes, bnes and gpsp? Are you planning on adding those later?[/quote]

Bsnes and bnes you can forget about on Android - it will not be usable for a long time.

gpsp has yet to be ported.

PocketSNES might be useful for slow systems but compatibility wise it’s far inferior to SNES9x Next or any other mainline SNES9x version. There are also numerous graphics glitches as a result of the intrusive optimizations done in PocketSNES.

Oh I see, the b emulators need lots of power.

I have been searching about the lag in emulators for android and somehow found about Ubuntu Touch, and been reading a bit about it. Seems quite interesting. Because I was wondering if it will really “use the full power of the phones” as stated by someone involved in the project.

It doesn’t rely on Android at all, wich means it won’t have those issues related to android. I really hope that’s true, and we can use the phones at their full potential for emulators ;).

Anyway, Cyanogenmod is being ported to the S3 Mini now, and I hope it will help to improve retroarch cores performance in my device.

Hello. Thanks for the great emulator package. I’m loving the Sega CD support and having a great time. I went out and bought a 64gb memory card the next day after using this so that I could get everything on my phone. Just awesome. Thanks for all the hard work.

I was wondering if anyone has ever asked about the auto load/save function. It appears that if you autosave then you must autoload. There is no way to manually load the autosave state unless you go into the directory and delete the .auto off the file. Is there a way it can be fixed so that it just autosaves to the currently selected slot instead of making a whole new savestate file? Like have a specific slot just for autosaves like state #9 or something.

There should be an autoload option I guess as well, ye. It is already implemented, but not exposed in GUI yet it seems.

Hi everyone,

I want to put here what it looks like a bug. When playing with 2 pads on the same device, the app freezes if you start pushing the dpad on both at the same time. Tested with buttons but it doesnt freeze if you only push buttons, only with dpad.

Tested with different pads and usb hubs. Sorry if i cannot give a log, only have 1 usb port to connect directly the tablet to the pc.

If someone could do the same as i am doing to confirm it also happens to someone else, just putting 2 pads, autodetection, start the game, and then start pushing dpad on both pads, in a few seconds pads dont respond and the app freezes.

Really hope someone can test it so we can confirm is an error and not only on my device, sorry for the log stuff, tried a few days with Squarepusher to take some logs but nothing…


EDIT: Now i have tried the same with manual binding all the buttons on the two pads, happens the same but now is not the app freezing, the device (tablet) restarted itself!

Well it does autoload without issue if I check the box. However, my problem is that I don’t want it to autoload. I’d like to be able to select the autosaved state manually without having to rename the state file. In essence, I want autosaving but I want don’t want to have to autoload. In its current state you have to. Which begs the question of why there is a separate selection option for autosaving and autoloading when one won’t work without the other.

Otherwise I’m having a great time. I found out my family sucks at Super Mario Bros. 3.

I noticed the same freeze issue as the other guy. However, I think its on a core by core basis. I was able to play SSFEX2 against my son on the PSX emu. It eventually glitched out but we got a couple matches in. It didn’t freeze but we couldn’t control the fighters anymore.

Autosaving / autoloading feature could be better, yes. The problem as far as I can tell is that by saving to an particular index, you might end up overwriting an existing save state file behind the scenes. This is kinda lame.

A possible solution to this is to have some kind of virtual “-1” state slot, which is actually the autosave. Then you could enable autosave and disable autoload. Also, you could be able to create a specific autosave file in-game by saving to slot “-1”, and only enable autoload for example … If this makes sense at all I could look at implementing it.

Any chances to update GenPlusGX core with this revision?:

I would really like to play Beggar Prince on my tablet! :slight_smile:


It’s already been updated, so it should be in the next point release (r13).

It’s already been updated, so it should be in the next point release (r13).[/quote]

Yay new update! Hope we can get also some new cores soon :smiley:

BTW i hope we can get a solution to the 2 dpads working at the same time, i wish i had more time to spend testing that and a way to get logs in my tablet without a usb connection to the pc :frowning:


I had the same problem when I tried to get a game of tetris attack going on a trip, one controller works great, but when the second player starts to play, after a few minutes input will freeze and then it will give a not responding message. I’m using a nexus 7 with updated stock rom, and a mayflash snes adapter (if I recall it’s name correctly). If I remember when I get back I’ll pop back and see if I can provide more information.

I had the same problem when I tried to get a game of tetris attack going on a trip, one controller works great, but when the second player starts to play, after a few minutes input will freeze and then it will give a not responding message. I’m using a nexus 7 with updated stock rom, and a mayflash snes adapter (if I recall it’s name correctly). If I remember when I get back I’ll pop back and see if I can provide more information.[/quote]

Get me logs of your device (with logcat) when this starts happening - otherwise it’s impossible for me to debug this.

Also - I’ve tried various combinations of gamepads on CM9 (Android 4.0.4) and 2-player controls work just fine.

I just hope it isn’t something Google screwed up again in a later version.

Seems this is a known race condition problem -

I implemented some more safeguards in the input loop- but I really need some more hands-on testing from people that have experienced this problem. So if they can come on #retroarch (freenode IRC) - I could pass around some APKs and see if it fixes the issues for them.