RetroArch Android releases (v1.0.0.2)

I believe this is by design. RetroArch saves to sram when the program exits, so to make your save really stick, you’ll need to exit the emulator cleanly rather than leaving it running in the background. Savestates should save immediately, though, so that might be a better solution for you if you don’t want to change your workflow.

Anyone can chime in here and correct me if I’m wrong.

This is correct. There is autosave functionality in RetroArch which checks periodically if saves have changed, and flushes to disk, but that’s not in Android version I think. That kind of checking and flushing does come at a small performance cost though.

Hey, is there a suport for .7z filez? Thats because I get a full rom set of the final burn, but all files are in 7zip format :frowning:

We only support .zip for compressed files.

I was wondering, can I switch CDs on PCSX-rearmed? (games like chrono cross or Valkyrie profile)

@Shin Not quite yet, AFAIK. It’s a new feature in v0.9.9, which should be released soon.

Oh! That’s great to hear! :smiley:

That depends if PCSX-reARMed support for disk swapping works properly yet. Not sure if it has been tested yet.

Is there any plan for analog sticks support with pcsx rearmed? :slight_smile:

Is the NXengine core for cave story not compatible with all android phones? I have an LG motion 4g MS770 running version r12 and cannot get cave story to run on my phone. I copied over the data files from and I only get a black screen when i run Doukutsu.exe, eventually my phone tells me the app is not responding. I have tested a few other cores and all seems to be working for them so far, just NXengine is giving me problems.

Wait for the next version (0.9.9) - which by all likelihood will be released at the end of this week. We have drastically rewritten NX Engine so a lot of the ‘datafiles’ that were previously necessary are no longer necessary and have been removed in anticipation of the upcoming 0.9.9 version of Cave Story/NXEngine which will no longer need those.

If you can’t wait you could compile from source yourself - if not, wait until the end of the week I guess.

Will retroarch android 0.9.9 have any new cores.

Also spyro year of the dragon cut scenes have audio problems drop outs and crackling.

if this happens with other PSX games as well then it has nothing to do with Spyro emulation but more to do with audio/video sync issues on your Android tablet.

General rule of thumb there is to try refresh rate detection and see if that improves matters somewhat, If that does not work, it could be some powersave option being on that you need to disable, or app2sd, or some other Java service running in the background that is creating garbage collector stalls.

Good to hear the new version coming out soon.

I ran into something earlier while using vba. I was running a copy of final fantasy 5 that wasn’t zipped and after exiting the emulator, the ff5 gba file was gone from my rom folder. Did the retroarch just delete the file?

That is expected behavior. A zipped ROM is first unzipped on the local filesystem - when you exit RetroArch it will then proceed to ‘clean up’ any and all temporarily extracted ROM files.

Many users complained at first when RetroArch (on consoles) would leave the extracted files on the filesystem after unzipping - so that’s why we decided to do this ‘cleanup process’ from 0.9.8 on.

yes. TyrQuake will be added on 0.9.9

After 0.9.9 is released I’ll spend some time checking out the state each port is in and whether or not they should be bundled in a subsequent, or release.

Hi?squarepusher?thanks a lot for your contributions to emulators. May i know when mame core will be added? I have been waiting for version 0.72 or 0.78 for about 2 years?unluckily have not seen it.would you advise if you plan to add this core?or it is still a long way to go?I love this core best?can not wait to try it. thanks

Will probably be added for It has been possible to compile it and run it since at least November 2012 or so.

Unfortunately I have held off releasing it for now since for some reason the Mortal Kombat/Midway games are broken on PS3 (broken as in - godawful slow and will actually crash over time) - it works on PC though. And since that is the main reason anybody would really want MAME 0.78 next to FBA I decided I couldn’t really show up to the party with bare hands like this.

Going through that codebase to ‘fix up’ the unaligned memory access stuff will probably be as much of a pain as whipping the NXEngine codebase into shape - I’ll try to see it through though.