RetroArch Android releases (v1.0.0.2)

I have a Nexus 4 and a 2013 Nexus 7 so if I can gather any logs or be helpful in any way to try to solve these issues please don’t hesitate to ask.

Well this is interesting. I’ve just tried out the PCSX-reARMed core and I’m not experiencing any of that choppiness/lag that I was getting from Genesis Plus GX when I stopped using the device

Rick74 have you noticed anything similar when using the Genesis core with ‘threaded video driver’ off?

I’ll have to check later… I’ve just discovered RetroArch the other day, and I’ve been pretty much using it on my Nexus 7 and despite FBA and SNES running flawlessly, I’m trying to deal with my scanline withdrawals;-)

Thanks man! Likewise, if you need me to check anything out for ya, I can give it a shot.

Shaders don’t work for you, correct?

And have you figured out how to enter the service menu on FBA, specifically the Neo Geo core? I’ve accidentally done it maybe 10 times, but I have no idea how to do it regularly…

Nope! Tried the scanline shader for the Snes9x-Next, black screen and audio. Tried one of the anti-aliasing ones and it was even worse, odd sound when starting up and then just black screen. Also I’m getting the same problem I had with the Genesis core with the SNES core.

Haven’t tried FBA yet.

I can confirm that my Nexus 4 behaves the same way… The 2013 Nexus 7 does not have this issue…

Thank you so much! I hope in analog support for ps3 and xbox controller.

I installed retroarch on my friend’s 2013 Nexus 7 and shaders were broken on his as well, just a black screen and no audio.

Well unfortunately I can’t test on a Nexus 4 so I can’t really tell you what is going on there. Sounds like a case of over-aggressive and wrongheaded power management policies if I had to guess.

We will require more hardware support to be able to get to the bottom of all these issues. Nvidia was generous enough to gift this Shield device - let’s hope other parties will follow in their wake so that we can start ironing out all the numerous issues on [insert random device here]. Over 80% of the work of Android development seems to be nailing down all these device-specific issues.[/quote]

Squarepusher, I have a nexus 4. Never got this issue before because I always use a bluetooth controller (with the controller hooked there’s no lag). I will try it here to see if it logs something when the lag kicks in.

I’ve just tried the latest commit on Github and the mapping for the PS3 DS3 controller don’t seem right to me. Would you be able to have a look before the next release Square?

Please explain what is actually the case because this helps me with absolutely nothing.

Also - does it show PlayStation3 Ver. 1 or Ver.2?

Sorry, I should have gone into more detail.

In the input section of RGUI it is shown as Playstation3 Ver.2. I’m connecting over usb using just the native support and not “SixAxis” etc.

Using the Snes9x Core the mappings for X/Y and A/B seem to be swapped. Also, In RGUI, Triangle selects an option / Item and Square is to go back.

The ROM path set in the main settings does not carry over to RGUI, meaning you have to browse from the root everytime you change rom.

On a different subject, I was having serious sound breakups on SNES9x Next especially, at the stock 1.2GHz on my UG802. I have found that by just changing the CPU scaling to “performance” instead of the stock setting of “interactive” has made Donkey Kong Country 2 run at fullspeed. I played it for around an hour and didn’t have any crackles or pops :slight_smile:

Yeah, the latter issue you mention is Android configuration problems and it’s entirely up to the user to ensure he gets that sorted out - nothing I can really do about it.

Regarding the PS3 Ver. 2 controls - I’ll look into it wih regards to X/Yand A/B being swapped.

Well unfortunately I can’t test on a Nexus 4 so I can’t really tell you what is going on there. Sounds like a case of over-aggressive and wrongheaded power management policies if I had to guess.

We will require more hardware support to be able to get to the bottom of all these issues. Nvidia was generous enough to gift this Shield device - let’s hope other parties will follow in their wake so that we can start ironing out all the numerous issues on [insert random device here]. Over 80% of the work of Android development seems to be nailing down all these device-specific issues.[/quote]

Squarepusher, I have a nexus 4. Never got this issue before because I always use a bluetooth controller (with the controller hooked there’s no lag). I will try it here to see if it logs something when the lag kicks in.[/quote]

Squarepusher, no logs, just some garbage collector running at random but I think there’s no connection with the hiccups. Looks like something related to the OS idle state, as the hiccups happens only when you aren’t touching the screen. When a bluetooth controller is connected it doens’t happen (even when there’s no input).

Nexus 4 4.3 here.

Squarepusher, I have a nexus 4. Never got this issue before because I always use a bluetooth controller (with the controller hooked there’s no lag). I will try it here to see if it logs something when the lag kicks in.[/quote]

Squarepusher, no logs, just some garbage collector running at random but I think there’s no connection with the hiccups. Looks like something related to the OS idle state, as the hiccups happens only when you aren’t touching the screen. When a bluetooth controller is connected it doens’t happen (even when there’s no input).

Nexus 4 4.3 here.[/quote]

Just wanted to check and see if you can run any shaders on your Nexus 4, or is it just a black screen with audio…

On my Xperia Play (yes I know) enabling shaders and choosing one does nothing, I couldn’t tell if that option was just disabled for crap devices or something. Also changing the forced refresh rate does nothing, but maybe I don’t understand what that’s supposed to do. If I set it to 30 should the games run at 30fps? Because there’s no change in framerate or audio popping or really anything.

Thanks Square, I see you have pushed the changes already :slight_smile: I’ll recompile and test it again in the morning.

Hi just fyi on the android market description is picodrive already described. But its not in the installed package

Setting it to 30 means you don’t really know what you’re doing and what the option is for.

The whole point of the ‘Forced refreshrate’ option is to ‘guesstimate’ WHAT refresh rate your screen is running at, and to set the app’s refreshrate as close to that as possible. Since we can’t rely on ‘OS framerate values’ to always tell the truth on some devices, it requires a bit of manual adjustment to figure out the correct refresh rate which produces the best audio/video sync possible on your given device. Start at 60 and start out with a core which you know should give you fullspeed performance on your device (say something really undemanding like Gambatte or NEStopia). If you still get audio crackling, reduce the value. Keep doing this until you hit a sweet spot.

Also - when you are going to be doing this, FIRST make sure you are disabling any and all crap services that will be run from time to time and can ruin your framerate - for instance -

  • Turn off Google Account Sync - turn it off entirely
  • Go to Google Play Store app and disable Auto updates
  • If you are not dependent on Bluetooth for your gamepads, DISABLE IT. This too will slow down
  • DISABLE Wifi or turn on Airplane Mode.

It’s very important you do this because the associated Java services keep running all the time through RetroArch’s runtime state and they can ruin the framerate.