RetroArch crash due to added box art?

I added a PNG photo of the box art for SpongeBob SquarePants: The Movie (USA) for GBA. When I navigate to it, RetroArch immediately crashes (RetroArch.exe has stopped working). Any idea as to why? Thanks!


NOITE: It seems I cannot upload photos. I get an error #2038, whatever that is.

I’ve had problems with images on the forum, I usually use imgur instead. You might want to use a general-purpose file host to share the image unmodified in case imgur compresses the image etc. Dunno about your actual problem, though. The image file might help.

[QUOTE=Hounddoggy;51583]I added a PNG photo of the box art for SpongeBob SquarePants: The Movie (USA) for GBA. When I navigate to it, RetroArch immediately crashes (RetroArch.exe has stopped working). Any idea as to why? Thanks!


NOITE: It seems I cannot upload photos. I get an error #2038, whatever that is.[/QUOTE]

Possibly both problems are due to the colon (":") character in the thumbnail filename. If you are using a recent “nightly” version of RetroArch, you may be able to deal with the issue by changing the colon to an underscore: SpongeBob SquarePants_ The Movie (USA)

A new standard for naming thumbnails went into effect a week or so ago. Older releases of RetroArch don’t have the fix and will have trouble with the colon when used in Windows. You can read the relevant information at the bottom of this page:

I don’t know that it is related to your issue, but I do know that the colon character is forbidden by Windows and can crash software on its own without RetroArch even being involved.

Thanks for the info, but there’s no colon in the title itself. I created an Imgur account, (Thanks, Mr. Figs) and have posted the crash message and the box art. I will note also that, for some reason, my copy of this rom is thought by RetroArch to be “Beta 2”. I know that it is the final though.


EDIT: I’m using 1.3.6. Haven’t tried any of the nightlys.

Open the file in question in paint, save it as a jpg. Open the jpg, then save it as a png over the original png.

I’ve had that same error many times trying to complete box art collections - that is the fix that worked for me.

Interesting, hopefully that works for OP. But since jpeg compression is lossy, I wonder if a different, lossless format would work. Maybe bmp? It’s pretty bare-bones, but I’m not sure if it’s a matter of stripping out problematic data or something else. I don’t have any crash-causing images to test with, but if we could get a lossless fix, we could use a hex editor to see what was causing the problem by comparing the original to the fixed image.

It’s most likely the original file was named with the wrong extension. Maybe it was a gif or a jpg to begin with, who knows. Paint will open it correctly, regardless of extension, photoshop most likely will not.

Also, naming with the wrong extension happens a lot more often than you think, especially if you’re creating and editing boxarts yourself in photoshop.

No, It’s definitely a PNG that I converted from JPG. I tried other PNG photos and get the same crash.


Well, all I can say is try my fix anyways.

I had that happen dozens of times putting together my NES box arts, between ones I did myself and ones I had downloaded. There is no scenario where my fix didn’t work.

Do you have the GBA rom in question?


Why yes, I do.

I’m thinking it’s my rom then. It comes up as Beta 2 instead of a final US version. Thanks!


Is your copy of the game’s CRC E1068687?

I posted a reply, but apparently it wasn’t appreciated by someone. Sorry about that.

If you posted something and it disappeared, we were having some server troubles earlier and it might have gotten lost in the shuffle. I don’t see any record of anything having been intentionally deleted.

Ahh, ok.

Hounddoggy, to answer your question, I don’t actually use the databases. I use Shifty’s playlist batch file to generate playlists, It’s quick and easy. Only problem with it is, you have to manually go through your playlists once they are generated and correct game entries with ! in them.

All I do is make sure the names of the .png files in my thumbnails folders match the names of the files.

I don’t know if that’s the ‘right’ way you’re supposed to do things but hey it works.

If you open the zip file for the game in WinRAR it’ll tell you what its CRC is. Mine is the “TrashMan” version, and the CRC is E1068687. It’s supposed to be the US FINAL, but it comes up in RetroArch as “Beta 2”.


This is all I get when I open mine up. Where do you go to check the CRC?

Open WinRAR back up to that point and stretch it to the right, or move the slider on the bottom to the right. To the right of “Size” you’ll see Packed, Type, Modified and CRC32.


Yes, my CRC matches yours. I wouldn’t sweat the RetroArch databases too much. They are very flawed. In fact, I’d direct you to just use that shifty’s batch file in all honesty.

With something like HyperSpin, where you can create genres and whatnot quickly and easily, it makes sense to have databases. With RetroArch, by and large, all you’re trying to do is make a list with all of your games, and it doesn’t even do that right half the time.

I mean no disrespect to whoever implemented it. Just pointing out that it is flawed, has been for a long time, and for that reason, I will continue to not use them. I run that shifty’s batch file and it just includes all the games in a directory in like 10 seconds, then I’m ready to play. No worries about that one prototype that hasn’t made it to the database yet not appearing. Quick and easy to add stuff.