RetroArch - Native CRT Support

@Yuke, could you send your modeline file please ?


Sure, but use with care.

crt_range0 15625-16200, 49.50-65.00, 3.000, 4.700, 7.000, 0.260, 0.192, 0.828, 0, 0, 192, 288, 448, 576

I have no idea what most of the values do besides the Porches. Not even sure if i have to add “NTSC” resolutions like 240p to the line … or what the 0, 0 does

Ok so the first numbers are your khz range 15.6khz to 16.2khz next is your vertical refresh range 49.50hz to 65hz.

Following this are the porches three for each.

Now what you can do is play with arcadeOSD open a couple of resolutions like 2560x240 and 2560x480. Play with the porches within arcadeOSD, then there is an option to copy the mode to you clipboard. Past them in notepad and compare them. There will be a fair difference. Average out the numbers and use them in the monitor spec. It takes a few tries to get it right but once its done all resolutions will be pretty close to perfect.

i sadly dont understand the test picture at all. What is indicating that i have massive horizontal overscan?

Ok, apparently there are supposed to be triangles/arrows left and right lol. My Overscan is so bad that i cant see them. There is no way i can get them into my picture.

I saw that i can change the Superresolution to 1920 down from 2560. Would that help me if i install all the superresolutions in 1920xWhatever and run 1920 in Retroarch?

What about native resolution support? Not good enough to use?

Does your TV/monitor have any hardware controls for reducing the horizontal size?

If you’re using RA with super-res, I assume you can reduce the horizontal integer scale factor to make it fit.

Do you mean “Custom Aspect Ratio Width” ?

Sadly i cant access my service menu. Only thing that is happening when i input the codes is that my settings get reset (brightness, contrast, etc…)

I was able to get the overscan reduced abit but my Pixelclock went 3 Mhz higher. Thats bad i guess?

Thanks for the help!

You just need to hilight front porch and back porch then press left or right. If you don’t have enough movement in them you need to change the sync pulse

Once this is done you can copy the mode to your clipboard o the previous menu screen.

What about the Dotclock? It changes all the time and no idea if thats good.

That mode line is a monitor spec line, so it does not include the reolution or dotclock. It is used to calculate the proches. So the rest of the work is done after this default spec line.

Okay, let me get this straight…so i change the values under arcadeOSD, for example the 2560x240 resolution. I ignore the change of the dotclock, write down the value differences ive applied (as long as i dont get a blank screen everything is ok?) and then apply the value changes to my monitor-spec line? And it will generate resolutions with my fixed overscan but the correct dotclocks i need?

The monitor spec line is not the video modeline. The monitor spec line is just a set of defaulted value that are used to generate a modeline.

The dotclock is calculated from the resolution, posches and refresh rate. They will change a lot especially when resolutions change. It is also known as the pixelclock. It sets how fast it needs to draw a pixel so that it can draw an entire line of pixels within 63us (micro seconds). So it is the last thing that will be calculated. VMM will do that by taking your monitor spec as a guide. Then it will look at your actual modeline list (.ini) then with this information VMM will generate the video modelines.

Holy shit, i just found the entrance code for my service menu…i think im good now (thanks for the help tho)…have to read into those values now and need a good test picture i guess…

I guess i should use a 320x240 picture to adjust everything?

Ok. Im doing good so far lol. The lack of vertical options sucks tho, cant stretch the picture vertically. Is it possible to stretch it with V. Porches and Sync changes? Everything i tried so far only moved the picture around…but same size.

And pathetic noob question at last:

Whats the pros/cons of native resolutions vs. superresolutions?

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@Alphanu @hunterk @Yuke Following all these reported issues, I was wondering if someone would be kind enough to share a link to a CRT preconfigured retroarch archive + comprehensive vmm reslist.ini. It could help, as tutorials are hard to find :slight_smile:

No point from my side atm. I have still too many issues. Vertical screen fitting and some emulators wont start for some reason (N64 and Dolphin for example).

Anyone having an idea why my N64 games start and then after 3-4 seconds the sound gets super “jittery” as if the gamespeed is reduced by 500% or something and i cant proceed to the next picture?

What driver are you using? Angy Lion?

not sure what you mean, those are my drivers:

Im not even sure if its a real problem…Maybe the Emulator is not compatible with CRTres switch?..because i have normal sound for like 3-4 seconds but when the first picture is supposed to load i get the described slowdown…

Alphanu means the “video driver” used in parallel. You can access it via the retroarch menu. Select “Quick Menu” and then “Options”. All the parallel N64 emulator core options are there.