Here are some overlays I made for Retroarch, mainly for retropie but can be used anywhere.
A list so far:
- Arcade Archives: Modeled after the border in the Arcade Archives ports on the Nintendo Switch
- FFIX: The border from the Steam/PS4 port of Final Fantasy 9
- NES Remix: The border from the NES Remix collections on Wii U/3DS
- SNES Mini: All the borders ripped from the SNES Mini, both Integer Scaled and non integer scaled versions are included
- Secret of Mana: Modeled after the border in the Seiken Densentsu Collection on Switch
- Sony PVM: A Sony Trinitron PVM Overlay
- Undertale: Borders from the PS4/Vita version of the game. Integer & Non Integer versions
- Balloon Fight: Custom border for the NES Game
- GDQ 2017: Based on the overlay from the Games Done Quick marathon
- GOTM: All of the overlays from the Game of the Month feature I run over on the Retropie forum
- Gameboy: Borders based on the GB and GBC