RetroArch PC releases

I learned this today when I decided to fix my kids’ HTPC.

For some reason, Advanced Launcher literally deleted itself in XBMC Eden. So I updated to Frodo and then went to update my RetroArch. Well the Phoenix-GUI based update failed several times, so I just downloaded the binaries from the website.

RetroArch crashes without any sort of error message.

Your post almost makes it seem like this is intentional. Is this some sort of “wtf mate, get with the times!” call for us all to upgrade to Win7 or something?

This XP Pro machine was working just fine. =/

Is there a stable build I can find somewhere to run until this gets fixed?

@mvertal It’s not intentional, it’s just that we don’t know what’s causing it and have no way of testing because none of us have 32-bit/XP systems. It would behoove you to update to a system (doesn’t have to be Windows) that will continue getting regular security updates, just as a general suggestion, but we wouldn’t poison a release like that on purpose.

You can try using the builds I posted earlier in the thread, which some people have reported having better luck with, but they may not help. :confused:

I think I have a copy of v0.9.6 on my work machine. If necessary, I can upload that on Monday.


Back in August of 2012 when I first started this HTPC journey, I attempted to configure XBMC and Advanced Launcher/Retroarch in Linux so I wouldn’t have to buy a copy of Windows, but after about a week of tinkering, I came to the sad conclusion that I just have NO clue wtf I’m doing in Linux. Also, it is shockingly difficult to troubleshoot Linux issues or even just find basic information about operation compared to Windows. I give the Linux guys credit, but it’s like they have taken part in some Matrix-style information download directly to their brain and suddenly know everything there is to know. After the 15th time of me finding a solution where the guy was just like, “Type sudo blah blah blah blah” and made it sound like the guy was dumb for not knowing, I gave up.

I’d be most appreciative if you could upload a previous version. I stupidly over-wrote everything on my end when I unzipped the 9.9 update.

I have everything so painstakingly configured on this XP box to make it function like an “appliance”, I’m afraid of what might happen if I update it to Windows 7.

All the previous links in this thread are dead, and I attempted to Google 0.9.8 but didn’t find any working download links anywhere.

Here’s a 32-bit v0.9.6. Hope it helps:

I’m trying to compile retroarch with everything included on Fedora 19 using this guide:

I tried doing the super build script but there are still a lot of cores that were not built. Is there an updated version of the super build? I still haven’t built retroarch or retroarch-phoenix.

I didn’t read much as far as dependencies go but I did get libxml and the libgl mesa libraries.

What’s the best way to build on linux? unless someone has a Fedora repo somehwere.

As far as dependencies go, you’ll need development libraries for libsdl-1.2 (along with libsdl-ttf2 and libsdlimage, if they’re separate packages there), libasound2, libxv, libopenal, libsamplerate0, libxml2, nvidia-cg-toolkit, libswscale, and libfreetype6. If you want video dumping, you’ll need a very recent version of ffmpeg/libav* (like, from git). <-these are the debian names; fedora names are probably slightly different

Most of the cores only depend on zlib, but some have a few more dependencies here and there.

You could also try converting my debian packages to rpm using ‘alien.’

Is the 32 bit Windows version still crashing? It should be updated asap. Lots of people are trying it out, and ending up confused or thinking the program sucks.

@Tripulent Someone needs to tell us what’s wrong. It works here in WINE and none of us have 32-bit Windows to do any testing of our own. It may be as simple as compiling it on a native system, rather than the cross-compiles maister and I have made, but since we don’t have a native system, we can’t do that, either.

If someone else could build and test (or even provide any sort of helpful information on the problem at all), we could try to get something going.

Using Fedora 19

I re-cloned the super repository but now for some reason it won’t let me install the plugins anywhere:

$ sh ./ plugins/ x86_64 CPU detected Library /home/user/libretro-super/dist//plugins not found, skipping …

Odd because it worked a few days ago…

edit: I can’t seem to compile phoenix-qt

$ make -f Makefile.qt moc -i -o phoenix/qt/qt.moc phoenix/qt/qt.moc.hpp make: moc: Command not found make: *** [phoenix/qt/qt.moc] Error 127

I’ve downloaded qt development and also somethiing called automoc4 for Fedora. I have not been able to find a plain moc bin for Fedora 19. I symlinked automoc4 to moc but still doesn’t work.

$ make -f Makefile.qt moc -i -o phoenix/qt/qt.moc phoenix/qt/qt.moc.hpp Error: syntax error in -i.files make: *** [phoenix/qt/qt.moc] Error 1

Will the PC version of the PSX emulator be able to play pbp files?

Whenever I start psx on retroarch, I get ‘Retroarch returned with an error! Code:1’. I put the bios in the same folder as the dll. What am I doing wrong?

@xenphor Make sure you have qt4 development libs, which I believe moc is part of. I’m not sure what’s going wrong with installation, but I would recommend just manually moving them where you want them (presumably /usr/lib).

@Castanoff I believe the PCSX-ReARMed core has at least some support for pbp files, but I’m having trouble getting it to compile on Windows (assuming that’s the OS you’re using).

EDIT:@rex Put the bios in either the ‘system’ directory that you specify in the ‘general’ options menu or in the same directory as your ROM image.

I copied the bios to the same directory I have final fantasy 9 game. I use cue/bin. Same thing. The bios is named ‘scph1001.bin’. I see someone on neogaf complaining about the same issue. Are you getting mednafen psx to run on Windows?

Try renaming it scph5501.bin or scph5500.bin. One is for US games and one is for Japanese. You can use a US bios for Japanese games as long as you have a copy in your system folder with the right name.

Yeah, works dandy here in win8 64-bit.

You need scph5501.bin with SHA1 hash 0555c6fae8906f3f09baf5988f00e55f88e9f30b for mednafen-psx rather than the more common scph1001.bin, just to be clear. EDIT: yes, renaming works, too. :slight_smile:

Same error. All my ps1 games are US though

Edit: nvm. I renamed the bios in the system core and it work. Thanks

Is there no save state support yet for the PSX core?

Nope. Ryphecha doesn’t think the core is developed enough to add it just yet, I believe, and the RA devs don’t want to modify the core much outside of her own plans for it.

Question about the RGUI and ROM browser. Is there any way to force-enable the emulator to remain at the ROM directory each time I load it up. I.E. I use the RGUI to locate an SNES ROM, I load it up and play a few games then I quit. When I load it up again later, the ROM directory is not set to where it was last time.

Let’s say I want to have the browser directory set from C:/RetroArch to C:/ROMS instead. Can’t I tell the emulator to use that every time I use the GUI?

Users are still reporting 32 bit Windows builds crashing even in 0.9.9.