RetroArch PS3 releases (v1.0.0.2)

Hyllian, that is an awesome CGP. Final Fight CD looks excellent with it.

Further Bug I’ve noticed:

in the Quicknes Core (first core I tested out in this release) I was playing around with the shader options and I noticed going into an empty folder looking for a preset shader and pressing X results in a crash.

Great! These dithering shaders have some false positives to fix yet. Though it already can show some good advances on some games. I’m testing with genesis and arcade games. That cgp version uses mdapt (from Sp00kyfox). I have a my own dithering filter, though it isn~t ready yet for shader.


Yeah, I know some things need update. I only got my hands on this new 0.9.9 version for PS3 yesterday. I’m testing the shaders and some aren’t working or are just the cgp files outdated.

Have you tried running it with only one pass?

Another thing: any change in shader options need you to choose the option “apply shader changes” to see the effects in game.

That’s right!

Well, the first cgp I tried and failed was the mdap.cgp (in dithering folder). It’s a cgp specially developed to take care of dithering (present in many genesis games). It seems many cgp and some shader files need updating.

Though the mdap cgp failed, I’ve got it running correctly by putting the right shaders manually. So I tried making and saving a new cgp for three passes (two mdapt and the last with 4xBR). It looks good with many games plagued by dithering. You can test by downloading the cgp and putting in the retroarch shader folder.

The cgp is here:

Some shots of this cgp running on Retroarch for PS3:[/quote]

Hmmmmmm… the filter doesn’t work.

I tried putting the file into the shader folder and then the xBR folder but it won’t show up in Retroarch.

So…then I tried to rename it with the sans the ‘p’ (so it says just .cg) and now it shows up but it doesn’t seem to change anything.

Thanx again for sharing this file. Am i missing something here? Another user seems to indicate it is working fine.

Like I said, in its native form when placed in the folder it won’t show up in retroarch. This is when Im attempting to apply a single pass filter.

Actually, it isn’t a filter, but a preset.

Load it by choosing the option " load preset" in the shader options.


Actually, it isn’t a filter, but a preset.

Load it by choosing the option " load preset" in the shader options.[/quote]

Ah…thanx…haha…New to this.

Anyhow, it’s nice.

Noticed a lot of glitching though. But like you said, work in progress?

The best outcome I’ve used with your filters has been the bicubic-sharper mix with one of your higher end xBR. But is a difficult mix since balancing it without slowdown is a tightrope walk.

In any case, not that I would dare make a request :wink: but since you are the artist here is there any possibility of a preset that would take one of your newer xBR filters (like the x5 d version) and cross-breed it with the bicubic sharper filter?

Or do you have any plans to optimize older 2lvl filters for the new retroarch, etc? If not, I’m still a big fan of your work and excited to see how your xBR filter evolves given the new abilities afforded by the changes in retroarch. Thanx again ALWAYS for your hard work.

Reposting from Emulation General:

Alright Squarepusher-sama, I installed RetroArch 0.9.9 on my PS3 and love what changes you guys did to the interface. Being able to switch cores without quitting the program is great, and I love the history list addition as well. Thanks for your hard work.

Metroid Zero Mission sound distortion is however still as horribly bad as it was in the past. I guess it’s about time to give up and get RetroArch running on my Linux box, or even dig out my old Game Boy Player if it comes to that… I really wanted to play this with a wireless controller though, and putting a Bluetooth dongle into my computer usually results in kernel panic for some fucked up reason.

On that note, does RetroArch PS3 support non-DS3 USB controllers? If not, would it be difficult to add support for generic layouts? Like I said I prefer to chill back with the wireless pad, but it would be nice to have the option of hooking up iBuffalo SNES controller replicas for “MUH IMMERSION”.

And on one occasion - it locked my PS3 when I tried to change the paths so that my gamesaves are saved onto my USB memory stick, thus requiring a restart.

All-in-all, it’s a massive step up from 0.9.8, from the navigational side of things to ingame features.

The ‘distortion’ you hear is it most likely dropping below fullspeed.

An iPad 4 I’ve heard from meancoot should run it comfortably +20fps higher than the PS3 (or at least 80fps in FF6 intro would place it comfortably +25fps higher than PS3 since framerate can drop to around ~50-55fps here on PS3) so yeah - the PS3 is beginning to suck very hard in the CPU performance stakes if even an iPad can beat it these days. The CPU was never that good to begin with (Pentium 4 2.4GHz level with single threaded apps according to my estimates) but there you have it.

On the flip side, PS3 and 360 still slaughter even the highest-specced Android/iOS devices when it comes to the GPU - so there’s no ‘ideal platform’ as of yet really.

On that note, does RetroArch PS3 support non-DS3 USB controllers? If not, would it be difficult to add support for generic layouts? Like I said I prefer to chill back with the wireless pad, but it would be nice to have the option of hooking up iBuffalo SNES controller replicas for “MUH IMMERSION”.

Yeah, I have something lined up for that - including a ‘fallback’ for triggering the RGUI/RMenu for when a pad doesn’t have L3 + R3 buttons.

There’s a tip to get a speed boost in this new Retroarch 0.9.9:

TIP: If you wanna use just one filter pass, it’s best to choose “Don’t Care” in the scale factor option. Then, use custom aspect ratio and resize mode option to achieve the desired game size in your screen.

For example, if you wanna run a pure xBR in genesis, do this in the shader options:

passes: 1 shader: filter: nearest scale: don’t care

And in the aspect ratio choose custom, and in resize mode put a multiple of genesis native resolution:

viewport XY = (1600x1120)

This correspond to a 5x scale. And probably will run at fullspeed as before!

EDIT: Figured out just now that this tip works even for multipass!!!

I need to update the cgp I made to work with dithering. If I choose “Don’t care” instead 4x for the scale factor of the last shader (in this case i have used a xBR), it run faster then before!

EDIT2: Ok, here are some presets I made using the last tip:

Here is one preset you can try courtesy of me -

name this sfa3.cgp (or some other name - as long as the extension is ‘cgp’) and then load it with ‘Load Shader Preset’. This is a 5-pass shader configuration that still runs at fullspeed and runs all sorts of heavy-duty shader passes. It is quite nice on arcade games like Street Fighter Alpha 3 where lots of dithering is going on.

People will just need to give this new shader system a chance - it is much more powerful than the previous one but the trick is that you need to put heavy duty shaders like 5xBR somewhere at the ‘middle’ of your total shader passes to get good speed. Also, you need to experiment with scaling sizes per pass.

The PS3’s RSX GPU can actually handle way heavier shader passes than my Intel laptop GPU (HD4000) does - so just saying - it is performing remarkably well for a 7-year old console.

I only get a blackscreen when trying to boot games using Multimann internal browser. If I first start retroarch manually, then select ‘quit to multimann’ then games can be started from multiman again/

Everything works fine as soon as I install retroarch back

This might be linked to the ‘path’ bug reported ?

Anyone has this problem also ??? ( Rogero 4.40 v1.03 )

EDIT: Someone over @ psx-scene got the same problem :

dvirus55 - Today, 11:21 AM


This version just gives me a black screen when run under Multiman 4.40 (i also tried MM 4.30 thinking it was latest MM and same black screen)
Tried running retroarch 0.9.9 standalone under PS3 XMB and it runs roms fine.

Deleted 0.9.9 and reinstalled the previous version and its now working in Multiman 4.40

I need to fix Multiman ROM booting again then together with deank.

Hopefully to coincide with this he can also add categories for the new cores I’ve been adding since the last time (0.9.8/0.9.7)

Hint: If you want to have this new shader system work the same way as the old shader system before - make sure to set the 2nd pass/last pass’ Scale to ‘Don’t care’ - this way it will scale to viewport and not to an extra FBO which will speed up things by a lot.

Well, upon playing Cave Story on the PS3, I’ve noticed a graphical glitch whereby in the “Dark Place” and “Core” areas, the background is rendered improperly with a horrible trail-like effect, as shown below:

Cave Story - Dark Place/Core - PC

Cave Story - Dark Place/Core - PS3

Can you post the savefile? It will help during debugging. It is probably an SDL video issue (which is baked into the core).

You took those PC screenshots with RetroArch PC BTW?

The PC screenshots are from the game executable itself and wasn’t run via RetroArch PC, and the screenshots were done via the Print Screen & Microsoft Paint method, but the PS3 version was obviously run via RetroArch, and the screenshots were taken via the Photo > Take Screenshot method on the ingame XMB.

Also, here’s the savefiles (profile3.dat/profile4.dat are the latest ones, so start from those savefiles/save slots):

OK, so there’s the possibility the video glitches are across the board in the NXEngine libretro port then.

OK, good to know what to expect. Could be something to do with the SDL subset that I hacked together for NX Engine.

When fixed, will make for another nice addition to I guess.

Well, shit happens, but I like the 5-slot feature that the original PC-only version DIDN’T have, so hence I’ve used all of them in case I mess up on one of the gamesaves/stages.

Also, a nice “feature” (in case you didn’t notice) is the faster UI navigational speed button combination whereby you have to press L3 and R3 with the R3 stick pulled downwards, which is ideal for setting the refresh rate manually to 50Hz. :stuck_out_tongue:

Excuse the double-post, but upon further testing on Cave Story (NXEngine), the “trail effect” glitch on the PC and Android (tested on my Samsung Galaxy S3 - GT-I9300) versions of RetroArch, which basically means that as far as I’m aware, this glitch only affects the PS3 version - see below:

Cave Story - Dark Place/Core - PC - RetroArch

Cave Story - Dark Place/Core - Android - Samsung Galaxy S3 GT-I9300 - RetroArch

Seems like a big endian bug - it happens on PS3 and Xbox 360 but not on Xbox 1.

I’ll be investigating this.