Retroarch psp

thanks for the answers ,

long time (some years )i didn’t touch my psp before this test , so my cfw is outdated and must be somethings like cfw 5m33 . finally i had succes to build and play some cores like o2em , stella and hang with other like hatari (800200d9) maybe just not enough memory ,no time to investigate for now.

i ll keep in mind what you point me (usbhostfs_pc/pspsh/psplink ) they can save me some time to exec & debug .

BTW , i didnt success to load libray only success to build and loas core in EBOOT format , not able to load prx core . but maybe i didn’t do the things well.

console ports of RA use static linking, so you can’t compile a library by itself in a prx and load it from RGUI. you need to always have both RA and a single core in a prx or elf which are then packed into an EBOOT during the build process so that you can launch it the main menu.

the prx in this case isn’t a shared library but an executable, just like the elf. that is also the file you execute if you use the shell (pspsh).

if you encounter out of memory problems, and own a psp2000+, newer cfw will allow you to unlock the whole 64MB range from the settings. make sure to disable UMD cache in this case, since it uses all the extra 32MB ram.

Thanks for the reply and clarification about prx.

Sadly , i only own an old psp1000 so 32mo only , i have test to enable smallmem for hatari (only alloc needed space instead of 16mo )and i set resolution to 320x240 instead of 640x480 :slight_smile: and now no 800200d9 error , only black screen and shutdown :frowning: now i have to dig the port to see if i ve not doing some other error like the memory one , when ll have time.

What SDK do you recommend? The only thing I ever compiled for PSP was daedalus and that was a long time ago.

Also is any CFW ok? I think I have PRO 6.6.

hi pete_uk , long time i saw you !

For the toolchain and the SDK i use the pspdev one: not sure it is the best but at least it works and simple to install at least on Linux. For the cfw i don’t know, i have an old 5.00M33-6 and it works at least for o2em and Stella.

BTW the aliaspider answer could be interesting and more useful as he seems to know well on the subject .

Hey r-type, Yeah long time no speak :slight_smile:

Thanks for the reply, at least I know where to start now :cool:

I wish someone would use the new Picodrive sources to make a new release for the psp. =(

I got to say, the news about the PSP port of RA prompted me to install it on my main PC (win7) and it’s pretty nice ! Except the crashing with half the shaders (nvidia gtx270 here). It really was getting tiring to keep track of all those emulators and configuring them separately …

Buutt, what about the PSP version ? :smiley:

It’s still in the works, but progress has been slow, I think. Aliaspider is doing most of the heavy lifting, but I’m not sure if there are any specific hangups or if he just hasn’t been able to devote much time to it.

I’m looking forward to the release of RA on the PSP as well. The psp is such a great handheld, especially after installing custom firmware on it. My main question though, is how will the emulation cores in RA PSP compare to the current best known offerings already available on the psp? Honestly, I don’t feel that snes emulation really worked all that great on the psp, overall performance is less than ideal and I felt it wasn’t really worth it. GBA emulation on the psp is very doable, I’ve tested a multitude of gba emulators and the best currently is tempgba4psp. It’s performance overall is hands down the best compared to other offerings, however it’s missing some features (like fullscreen scaling) that others offer. Then there are the arcade emulators (cps1psp, cps2psp, mvspsp, ncdzpsp) from NJ for capcom play system 1&2, neogeo mvs (with aes support/functionality), and neogeo cdz. Currently they are sitting at 2.3.5 and are all really good emulators. I’ve also used other emulators such as gameboy, neogeo pocket, PC engine which all ran great since they dont require too much for emulation. Though when it comes to NJ’s arcade emulators and the 3 main gba emulators ppl use, while they’re good and are able to play many games perfectly fine, they’re still far from perfect. The GBA emulators require frame skip to be set at max for the games to be playable. Lower the frame skip level or even worst, turn it off, and performance becomes utter crap. Same goes for the arcade emulators (mainly tested and used both mvspsp and ncdzpsp), while performance is generally really good, you’re still experiencing a lot of screen tearing, and slow downs from time to time. The screen tearing is what bothers me the most. Enabling vsync doesn’t really do anything, and I’ve found that enabling framskip actually lowers overall performance compared to when it’s left off. The only option that really has an effect on gameplay performance are the audio options, and it’s best to leave them at default or even lower it if you want get even better performance…

So how will RA psp compare to these emulators currently being used? Will RA on the psp finally allow perfect or near perfect emulation on the psp without the use of frame skip? Will emulation through the RA cores also provide a more stable emulation, with less or even no screen tearing? I think these are the biggest two things when it comes to emulation on the psp. Also, will RA PSP also offer the same or even more features that the individual emulators offer (such as adhoc multiplayer in NJ’s emulators, fullscreen support, etc)? What kind of benefit can we expect when using RA on the psp over current emulators, and will RA on the psp provide an alternative option (through cores) for all the current, popular emulators mainly used on the psp today; or will it only have some?

Some cores will be full speed, some wont. There is only so much you can do with that CPU. RetroArch’s netplay implementation is quite resource heavy, so no I don’t think netplay wii be a thing

True, dual cores at 333mhz isn’t anything to brag about…though, the psp did receive many great games that really pushed the system to it’s fullest. Such an amazing little hanheld. I have the psp go, and im looking forward to the release of RA on the system. Psp go paired with a ps3 controller is even better (control wise) and I caint wait to try it out on RA. It’s great that the psp is still getting attention these days, any improvements to existing emulators or alternate offerings with better performance is more than welcomed. Though I have a few last questions in regards to RA on the psp:

1- Will RA PSP support psps on both original and custom firmwares (like some homebrew do)? If not, and only custom firmwares will be supported, which version of custom firmware is recommended?

2- Will I be able to play ps1 games through RA on the psp?

3- Will I be able to play psp games through RA on the psp?

Anyways, looking forward to seeing improvements in the GBA and Neogeo core offerings in RA for the psp! Hopefully RA on the psp will support Neogeo MVS and AES as well as Neogeo CD; and the most important thing I would like to see is the memory card functionality that comes with neogeo aes and cd. Otherwise, despite if it has overal improvements in performance and stability, I wouldnt say its a better offering than mvspsp or ncdzpsp. That’s one thing sorely missing from the current FBA build in RA, no support for memory card functionality for Neogeo mvs/aes games; would really love to see a Neogeo CD core released for RA as well someday. Perhaps Raine Arcade Emulator would be worth looking into?

Absolutely not to #2 and #3

So far the only cores that I’ve got to work correctly are

  • FCEumm
  • Gambatte
  • NXengine
  • TempGBA

No sure if aliaspider has something else working… I would think picodrive should work but I’m not sure.

Does standalone FBA have memory card funcionality?

I kinda had figured the answer would be no for questions 2 and 3, just wanted to make sure though. Lol

Yes, Standalone FBA does indeed have memory card functionality for systems (that it’s emulating) that use it. Though, Ive only gotten this to work with the current build of FBA that GGPO ( provides. With even the most recent build from barryharris’s site (, the memory card function doesn’t seem to want to work at all when I test it with neogeo games. It also gives me trouble when I try to play neogeo games in console (AES) mode, it doesn’t work as well, and i’m stuck playing in arcade (mvs) mode. The FBA build that GGPO provides doesn’t have these issues, creating and inserting memory cards worked just fine, and I had no issues switching between MVS and AES modes. The memory card also worked for both modes as well; functioned just like other specific neogeo emulators (neoragex, neo.emu, mvspsp).

I have tested an hatari build for psp , but i only get 20 fps max . ( i had 42 with a RPie) . so this one can’t be for the psp. UAE cpu is to heavy for psp .

I have tested an hatari build for psp , but i only get 20 fps max . ( i had 42 with a RPie) . so this one can’t be for the psp. UAE cpu is to heavy for psp .[/quote]

Sounds about right, PSP is on average twice as slow as a Raspberry Pi.

It could be made much faster with some PSP-specific hacks, but aliaspider so far did all those speed improvements so he’d have to take an interest in the port first.

The FBA memory card thing could work as a workaround for the FBA savestate load issue. Adding the GGPO could be a big plus too, is the way to go for online gaming, haven’t touched that in RA yet.

RetroArch’s rollback based netplay is quite similar to GGPO. The GGPO FBO client works with a custom FBA version and an adobe AIR interface. I don’t think that can be integrated.

I’ve just recently read a little bit about RetroArch’s net play functions and how it’s very similar or on par with ggpos in terms of latency, though I was wondering, what RA platforms (besides PC) will be able to use the net play functions? Is this something even android and iOS users will see? or what about even the psp ver of RA? Also, what cores will support the net play functions? Is it something we will only see in MAME or FBA cores, or will it make it’s way to many other cores?

Platforms, most of them. The limiting factor is an IME to input IP addresses. For core support, if a core supports savestates (libretro savestates) it will work. Otherwise it won’t.

Nothing in libretro is tailored for a specific core. It’s up to the core to support libretro features not the other way around