I understand, so excuse me. It is that there is a wave of trolls, that what they do is to sabotage and it does not happen only in this forum, if you see the others it also happens.
There is plenty of patience, so let’s go step by step and if you don’t understand something, ask me again. Sometimes the language barrier makes it complicated…
If you are running the game from the .EXE, all changes are saved in that same folder. In this case the save files do not matter.
In the case of X-Wing. If you had a save file it is because you previously loaded it from a .zip.
If now, you are running it from the .EXE, that save does not matter.
In the case of Windows, the save is not necessary, it does not affect Windows because the operating system is installed in the .img in ‘C:’ . If you have a Windows save, it is because you wrote the disk ‘D:’.
If you open Windows and create a folder in ‘D:’, a save is created. If you delete that save, the folder is lost, it is as if you change the disk for a new one.
About Windows, I am going to make you a recommendation that I use and it works well for me. Have two copies of Windows.
One for testing, to do installations for the first time and test (or destroy) anything else. With a backup (in .7z it does not occupy almost nothing) and if I damage Windows, I decompress the backup and nothing has happened.
And a stable one, which is to do the final installation of the game library (I also have it backed up for security).
This Windows I have it always frozen. I unfreeze it to make the installation of the game and when closing I freeze it again, it has never been damaged to me.
Next to the name of the publication you have a pencil, there you can edit everything.