Hi,guys,there are some onscreen overlays I want to share,hope you like them. These onscreen overlays were PSed slightly by myself,the original pics are from deviantart,thanks to who made these realistic pics. There are three onscreen overlays,NGP,GBA,and NES,the onscreen overlays’ resolution is 2560x1440,but I have made a 1920x1080 png in each folder for 1080p users. The 7z pack includes the cfg and png files. Sorry for my English.
The NGP one has fast-forwarding button hide in the NeoGeoPocket logo,toggle menu button is the option button on the overlay.
The GBA one has fast-forwarding button hide in the Game Boy Advance logo,and toggle menu button hide in the Nintendo logo.
The NES one has AB combination hide above the button A .Toggle menu button hide in middle-bottom of the overlay.
Edit: update WSC and GBC onscreen overlays
The WSC one:
power button=toggle menu
sound button=fast-forwarding
The GBC one has AB combination hide below the button A,and fast-forwarding hide in the speaker position,toggle menu button hide in the Nintendo logo.