Sorry for my English is poor first ,
I’m making some indoor overlays recently,mainly use them for my Android device,there are some preview pics(no light,no shadow,I’m learning how to make it:wink:),please share your idears with me if you like it.
heh, these look like a lot of fun. Good work
Thank you,hunterk.
Very nice overlays
Once you mess around with the lights and shadows you will see that the game screen gets separated from the rest of background and the overall picture will get cleaner.
I´ll be following this topic.
Love these! Please release them soon.
Thanks for your tips,Kondorito
Ok,but I need to watch some Youtube photoshop tutorials before adding lights and shadows
Thanks,that’s very nice one ,and I’m making these inspired by a topic on launchbox forum too,this:
I prefer your original poster layout the one you showed later is too uniform.
(how do we quote parent? It’s difficult for people to see what I’m replying too)
Your overlays look extremely promising ; you can be sure I’ll use them once you get the lighting and shadowing right. Amazing job !
I agree that the original posters looked better. I think you should change them per console and era. DBZ is great, but I think it works better for SNES than NES given the timeframe.
NES is more Dragon Ball than Dragon Ball Z.
DB for nes,DBZ for snes,ok,
and I’ll make a psd that you can change posters as you like
Hi,guys,sorry for late reply,i’m not on internet rencently,and i can only use moblie for internet now,everything has became unconvenient,but you can be sure that i’ll realease these overlays once everything is done,and shadows have been added,but i can not upload preview images on imgur using my phone for the internet limited in my country(China),really sorry for that.
Hi guys,i’m back.i have added some shadows,may be not very good Don’t worry about posters,i’ll make two poster layouts version
Love the day/night effect! Excellent work! I dig the night one a lot. For the day you could place a sun instead of a moon, but that is just a minor suggestion.
Back shadow of the TV gives a nice touch and makes the TV pop from the rest of the background, so thumbs up on that
For the SNES one, try finding an image with less angle (so you take into account the viewer position). The current console angle does not match the table/TV/boxes one, and it looks like it is tilted. The NES one matches perfectly the overall vanishing point of the bezel.
For the Super Famicom maybe something like this (in this angle) could fit better:
Keep up this awesome job!
That’s what I’m thinking about too,ok,I’ll change the day one with a sun view
Thanks for your help, Kondorito,your tips are very useful ,the snes console picture you showed looks so good,perfect angle,I’m gonna change that titled one to this one
Thank you like it I’m thinking of adding some moonlight to the night one go through window and hit on curtain.
Bear in mind that the example image I embedded has USB ports, not regular SNES ones (just in case) as it is not the regular SF system. You can even change the cartridge label to any game you want.
I am glad I can be of help. This overlay indoor set is starting up to be great The good thing is that after you tackle the main stuff like positioning of layers and light/shadow effects, it is all just a matter of changing the consoles or box labels for the systems you want.