It seems retroarch crashed
Can you try to provide a gdb backtrace ?
[B]gdb retroarch[/B]
Also the output of
lspci -nn | grep VGA
lsmod | grep ata
Thank you very much for your tests !
It seems retroarch crashed
Can you try to provide a gdb backtrace ?
[B]gdb retroarch[/B]
Also the output of
lspci -nn | grep VGA
lsmod | grep ata
Thank you very much for your tests !
Thank you for the support so far !! I really appreciate it! I hope we are getting somewhere
I wil try this when i get home.
You are welcome. Hope it will work. This mini notebook seems a cool device to use with Lakka.
It failed because it didn’t find mesa software rendering driver (swrast), we need to enable it. I need to check with Kivutar.
In the meantime, is it possible you try to boot with lubuntu and to see how it reacts ?
For the graphic card you can try to launch in a terminal (glxinfo and glxgears).
And check if you have access to your HDD.
Lastly, can you get the ouput of (mostly for PATA drive from Toshiba vendor id should be 1179)
lspci -nn
I am sorry for making all these tests !
didnt get to it yet… really busy work week after easter … will post sometime next week,
I dont mind the tests at all just need to find some time