SOQUEROEU – Mega Bezel TV Backgrounds

I’d need to know exactly which preset you are asking about to give a precise answer.

Certain presets use an additional phosphor layer for the screen that is affected by the ambient light. Like a real CRT, it effects the contrast in daylight.

When the phosphor layer is enabled there is also a shadow cast on the top of the screen from the surrounding bezel.

@HyperspaceMadness pulled out all the realism stops developing the Mega Bezel. Combined with a realistic screen reflection (Another optional image layer.) it gives the tube a photo realistic look.

Here is an example that also showcases the shader’s ability to auto scale to ultra wide displays.


Hi @soqueroeu and @Duimon, I’m working on a simple overlay loader to be used with another emulator. Are these backgrounds public and allowed to be used with other emulators (with credits/license of course) with minimal editions?


ive noticed it on the gamecube model specifically, and a few other “generic” tvs under the console presets. It was kind of a surreal experience the first time, i got halfway out of my chair to flick off the lights cause i couldnt see a damn thing during the darker scenes of the Resident Evil intro on gamecube! Then i realized “oh yeah…its just an effect” so switched over to the night variant. it also helps set the mood for playing horror games though!

It is extreamly realistic and really great work on everyones parts honestly! I now want that realistic screen reflection!

It is a balancing act though for streaming, gotta add enough that it adds to the whole “retro stream” experience without adding so much that it distracts from the actual stream, otherwise id have everything set for max realism!!

Here’s an example of what im looking at

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Yes, my dear, you have my permission about Soqueroeu backgrounds! Do your good work!


Normally my license prohibits the distribution of modifications. I can make an exception though, and for you I will.

If you need specific modifications of my work , we could talk and I would be willing to make the changes for you.

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Thank you, Duimon. Though it won’t be necessary. I’ll explain in a PM for you.

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Quick Question: Under the [Cropping Core Image] section of the parameters for some of these, does cropping any side cause the final image to shrink or stretch at all, like if I crop it would a perfect circle no longer be a perfect circle or does it simply eliminate the space entirely? I’m trying to crop the black bar on the left hand side out of NES games. Thanks!

I’m curious what setting I would use in CRT Mask section for a slot mask. Also, what CGWG means? And one last question, is Mask Size set to 1 the right setting for my 4K TV. Thank you guys in advance, and thank you for these absolutely amazing backgrounds for the amazing Mega Bezel shader!

Or better yet, how would I make the image sharper looking? I’m running a 4K OLED with HDR. Everything looks good, but the pixels are a tad blurry looking.

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Hi @BrainyCabde,

I suggest you post your questions in the official MegaBezel thread. There will be more chances of getting answers from the community.

Try this:

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This is awesome! So am I able to use any of Soquerou’s custom TV’s(NES, Genesis, SNES, etc.) with your settings? Sorry for all the questions.

Kinda, the ones I’ve included will of course work out of the box. I can’t guarantee that the others would work properly without some sort of further customization.

I also included a preset in this thread some time ago which you can use.

Plus, there’s a completely different method of combining my presets with Soqueroeu’s and virtually any other Mega Bezel Pack.

  • First make a copy of tbe Soqueroeu TV backgrounds folder.

  • Go into the presets and remove or comment out the first line which starts with “reference”.

  • So you’ve now converted Soqueroeu’s slangp presets to params format.

  • Next go into my MBZ__3__Standard_Full_Reflections_CyberLab_Special_Edition folder and you’ll see a few presets which would normally load my background graphics.

  • You can use those presets as a template and just replace the “Background” line with a second “reference” line which points to the new Soqueroeu-TV-Backgrounds preset in params format which you previously created.

  • You can also replace the preset in the first reference line with any other of my presets. I suggest sticking with my 1080p Optimized presets if you want to avoid moire patterns.

Awesome, Thank you Cyber, Soqueroeu, and everyone else involved here!


So I ended up settling with just adjusting Soqueroeu’s backgrounds myself. Not a lot of fiddling around, but for 16 bit(SNES and Genesis), I just change the CRT mask type from CGWG(still don’t know what any of these settings actually mean), to 11. 12 looked a bit too chunky for my tastes. Also disabled vignette on all systems. CGWG looked fine for everything that isn’t 16 bit imo.


Hi everyone. Thanks to @SOQUEROEU for his great work. I saw that his package hooks up by default to Standard Mega Bezels, also making his work perfect for use “Plug and Play” on modest power systems. Furthermore, as shown in the screen, I set the Active Magic Glow and the use of the Lottes mask nr.1 (being 1080p I’m going without fail) and it looks exactly like having a SlotMask television in front of me. Thanks for your work!


Thank you.

Thanks also to the shader creators who made this possible.


Absolutely and I never miss an opportunity in their threads to thank them when I write. It’s a wonderful team game.


Hi All!!

I hope everyone is doing well!

A while ago I was making an updated version of my backgrounds. Some of you may still waiting for it, but I’ve decided to pause the project indefinitely. I may work on them again, but I don’t want you keep your hopes up about that, please!

With the advancements in AI, it’s possible to create beautiful and attractive images about TVs and backgrounds that can easily be used as overlays or backgrounds.

Thank you all for your support and inspiration.

Retrogamer forever! :v: :star_struck:


Respect to you brother and all your work :muscle: