Swanstation Core - Graphic Glitch


I have problem when use Swanstation as a core on RetroArch Win64. On every game I got graphic problem when the character move.

My PC Spec I7 3770 8GB of Ram GTX 1650s Windows 10 Pro x64

I have try to install VC Redist 2015-2019 but no luck. For the setting I have no change and there is no error on log.

Maybe something that I miss?

Thank you.

This is not a glitch. It’s called “combing” and is a result of weave deinterlacing. I don’t recall whether the core also includes other forms of deinterlacing (for example, bob deinterlacing will avoid the lines but the screen jitters up and down 1 pixel per frame).

It won’t occur on every game, as not every game uses interlacing all the time, though Tekken 3 does and many games use interlaced mode in the menus.

If you like you can use the deinterlace shaders by hunterk to remove interlacing with great results:


Note that best results are with “Shader #0 Filter” set to Nearest. “Linear” results in some interlacing but is still better than default.

I just tested it on Swanstation and it works, just like on Beetle PSX. I use “bob-interlacing” which adds very slight flicker but I don’t notice it during gameplay, only on still screens like the pause menu.


Hi guys I got it fix by disable interlaced, I got the advise from duckstation git :smiley: Now I can play Gran Turismo 2 with PGXP active without bug on the tires and roads (Beetle PSX HW still not fix the bugs - though i feel beetle core should be more accurate).

Thank you.

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