I made a couple of shaders to deal with interlaced content, figured I’d post about them here. They all take the weird, woven-field output from emulators and do different things with it.
interlacing.cg takes the fields and blanks out half of them, alternating each frame. This basically makes it act like typically interlaced content you would find in a broadcast situation.
bob-deinterlace.cg shows alternating fields line-doubled each frame, which causes characteristic judder (i.e., ‘bobbing’). It still produces a sharp picture, making it ideal for situations with a lot of movement to hide the bobbing image.
bob-and-ghost-deinterlace.cg takes the regular bob deinterlacing output and blends in the previous line-doubled frame to soften the judder. It looks good on menus, where the judder is most obvious and annoying. Menus were also the most commonly interlaced content on PSX.