Sync all Saves to the cloud?


Not sure if this possible but, I guess this is the right place to ask. Is it possible to cloud sync saves in RetroArch ?

I’d like them to back up my saves and States to the cloud right after you finish playing(maybe Onedrive/Google drive type thing), then when you start RetroArch on another device, it connects and syncs all the saves, mainly the last games you played.

This is the biggest problem with emulation and a few devices, I play games on one, and it’s a pain to move saves over, I would love an automated process to do this.

Thanks in advance !


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Hi Dave,

I am actually doing something like that between my Android, PC and Notebook using a Synology NAS. But conceptual it’s the same with OneDrive or Google. When you are on Steam, AFAIK this is already working out of the box (if steam cloud sync is active).

You need to create a folder structure in the cloud for “saves” and “states” - then edit the paths in your RetroArch config accordingly (you can do that with UI or by editing the config-file), restart and all is set.

What you need to be aware of (in my exprience): The RetroArch and the Cores need to be the EXACT same version on all devices, otherwise I got the problem that the savestates were not possible to load on other devices than the one that created the save. But when you update all devices once at the same time you should be fine. I’m running this setup all year long now and its pretty robust. Try consider backing up the cloud regulary since it is the single point of savegames now :wink:

Kind regards Sebastian

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I’ve wondered about this for a while now, could this possibly be done as a non-game core? Do cores have access to save files? I could just do it outside of retroarch entirely in windows/linux PCs, but since I mostly use psvita and switch that is not possible.

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