TGB Dual

[h]TGB Dual[/h] What is TGB Dual? TGB Dual is a GB/GBC emulator with support for the “EXT” serial port, most notably used for multiplayer games requiring the game link cable.

How to compile the library

git clone
cd tgbdual-libretro


I used the “Sufami Turbo” game type in the libretro API for the dual-GB mode, because it seems it was the best fit for loading and saving two games’ SRAM with RetroArch. Unfortunately, that means the RTC isn’t saved in dual-GB mode.

Netplay has some issues I have yet to work out.

Oh man, that’s awesome :smiley:

Clever idea using the Sufami Turbo loading

This is pretty cool - if you’d like we could move this to the libretro organization and I could look at including support for all the consoles + Android. You’d still retain ownership / admin rights over your repo.

That sounds good :slight_smile:

I’ve added you to the libretro organization - let me know if you can ‘transfer’ the repo to the libretro organization through Github - if you can’t, you might have to hop onto #ssnes and meet me on IRC - I can make you temp owner then for a short while so that you can transfer the repo over, then change rights back to ‘owner’ of the repo instead.