I was editing an overlay and I struggled making one button work as I intended to.
For clarification, I made 5 overlays. Four of them are combinations of FPS On Display and Fast Forwarding being on or off, and the last one is to me browse on quick menu.
Well, I made everything work except the buttons that should change to the Quick Menu overlay and turn off Fast Forward at once.
Here they are:
overlay2_name = "landscape_ffw"
overlay2_desc14 = "toggle_fast_forward|menu_toggle|overlay_next,190,414,radial,68,68"
overlay2_desc14_overlay = quick_menu.png
overlay2_desc14_next_target = "menu"
overlay3_name = "landscape_fps_ffw"
overlay3_desc14 = "fps_toggle|toggle_fast_forward|menu_toggle|overlay_next,190,414,radial,68,68"
overlay3_desc14_overlay = quick_menu.png
overlay3_desc14_next_target = "menu"
overlay4_name = "menu"
I noticed the button in overlay3_desc14 turn off FPS On Display but don’t do the some with FFW.
Is there any limitation to the number of buttons in a desc or over the combinations of toggle buttons?