Well hours later and I’m still not getting it lol. First I found the new theme (systematic) within the link that @markwkidd gave and moved it on over to the appropriate sub folders, rebooted, nothing. But that’s okay, so I tried making my own home icon instead of the lakka icon. Put that in the appropriate folder and saved it as lakka.png, still nothing.
But the silver lining in all of this is that, as you said, hopefully they’ll make it samba accessible with the next update. If that’s the case there’s really no need to go crazy doing this. But nonetheless I still greatly appreciate all the replies.
Plus side, I figured out the Boxarts wooo!
One last thing (I swear) that is really irking me is retro achievements. I’ve got the account linked and can see games I’ve played within the account when logging into retroachievements.org, but none of the achievements actually pop for anything I play when I definately achieve them. Currently I’m using all no intro roms, as recommended for lakka. Any ideas?